Describing Characters
Similar Events

Paragraph 27 says "Toto...growled in an unfriendly way at the Scarecrow." What does this suggest about Toto?

a) He loves to meet new friends.

b) He is suspicious of new people.

c) He makes a lot of noises.

d) He is afraid the scarecrow will take his food. 

What is b) He is suspicious of new people?


How did Dorothy feel when the scarecrow spoke to her (paragraphs 5-8)?

a) curious

b) afraid

c) annoyed

d) tired

What is...a) curious?


Both "Dorothy" and "Come Away" have a theme of helping. What is similar about the way people are helped in the two stories?

What is...both are helped by someone they just met?


Who are the main characters in the story? Who is a secondary character?

Who are Dorothy and the scarecrow? 

Who is Toto?


Choose a word to describe the scarecrow. Support your idea with evidence from the text.

What is polite, stuck, friendly...?


Why does the scarecrow want to go to Oz?

a) He wants to get a real body.

b) He wants to spend time with Dorothy.

c) He wants to ask Oz for a brain.

d) He wants to get exercise.

What is...c) He wants to ask Oz for a brain.


Both "Dorothy" and "Come Away" have characters who need help. What is different in the way Peter asks for help from the way the scarecrow asks for help?

What is...Peter is grumpy and demands help; the scarecrow is polite and asks nicely.


Which detail is not necessary to include in a summary of the story?

a) Dorothy and the scarecrow travel together.

b) Dorothy helped the scarecrow off the pole.

c) Toto did not trust the scarecrow.

d) The scarecrow told Dorothy he wants a brain.

What is...c) Toto did not trust the scarecrow.


Choose a word to describe Dorothy. Support your word with evidence from the text.

What is kind, helpful, compassionate...?

Why does the scarecrow say he is afraid of a lighted match in paragraph 31?

What is... he will catch on fire?


Both "Dorothy" and "Come Away" have a theme of helping. How is the way Dorothy treats the scarecrow different from the way Wendy treats Peter?

What is...Dorothy is kind and helpful; Wendy thinks she is better than Peter and makes fun of him.

Summarize the story in three sentences (beginning, middle, end)

Dorothy meets a scarecrow and helps him.

The scarecrow says he wants a brain.

Dorothy invites him along on her journey to Oz.