Two Parts Make a Whole
Old Spells
"Whose Line is it"
Maths Time

Something that is subject to death.
In baseball if you get three of these, you are out.

What is Mortal Strike?


Fires a projectile at the target enemy, putting them to bed. The target will wake up at the end of the duration or if they take too much damage.

What is Sleeping Dart?


The hero leaps towards the target unit with damaging attacks and then slashes other nearby units doing 3/6/9 hits in total. Invulnerable for the duration

What is Omnislash?


"Your flesh falls. Your bones belong to me."

Who is wraith king?


If an Ursa kill the Roshan at the 13 minute mark. This is the latest that the Roshan can spawn.

What is 24 min?


Something an average person does between 14,400 and 19,200 times a day.

Jett from Apex can throw these to secure kills

What is a blink dagger?


Weakens an enemy's magical essence, causing them to lose mana as they move. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be stunned.

What is Mana Leak?


Whenever nearby allied heroes or itself casts a spell, it gains a 40% chance to restore 10/15/20/25 percentage of its mana pool. Skills with no cooldown cant trigger this.

What is Essence Aura?


"I want to die."

Who is Oracle?


A WK tries to stun a Bloodseeker 400 units away. If Wraithfire blast travels at a speed of 1200 units per second and seeker is moving away at a speed of 1000. This is when seeker will be stunned assuming no disturbance occurs.

What is 2 seconds?


A monster in fairy tales and popular legend, usually represented as a hideous and stupid giant.

A class of builds in dungeons and dragons that is high in faith and arcane

What is Ogre Magi?


This ability adds bonus damage to the physical attack of allied ranged units and heroes in the area around you.

What is Precision Aura?


Nearby friendly heroes restore health based on the damage they deal when attacking enemy units. Has 50% effect on ranged allied heroes. Does not affect allied creeps.

What is Vampiric Aura?


"If killing you is wrong, I don't want to be right"

Who is Dazzle?


This is the maxiumim number of tangoes you can get if you can buy with your starting gold

What is 18?


Pokemon type weak to bug, dark and ghost type.

A clothing similarity between Rambo and Hulk Hogan 

What is psychic headband?


Sacrifices a friendly creep and converts its current hit points into mana for this hero.

What is Sacrifice?


Dispels the target and mutes them for 6 seconds. Anytime the muted target is attacked, it will be slowed by 100% for 0.4 seconds.

What is Nullifier?


"We didn't need--- Shut up and say thank you."

Who is Ogre Magi?


Metamorphosis has a 150 seconds cooldown. If TB used meta at 23:55, and kotl managed to use max chakra magic thrice on him. This is when his meta will be off cooldown.

Chakra magic reduces by 6 seconds

What is 26 minutes 7 seconds?


The soft parts of the body of an animal and especially of a vertebrate that is between skin and bones.

The final evolution in the geodude line

What is Flesh Golem?


This hero creates an aura that nullifies nearby enemy senses or increases his own. Can be toggled offensively or defensively to reduce enemy magic resistance or increase allied magic resistance.

What is Null Field?


Grants bonus attack speed, armor, and health regen to this hero, all allied heroes and all units under their control.
Has double efect during night
Radius: Global, Duration: 9 seconds

What is Howl?


"Are you even trying?"

Who is Anti Mage?


If juggernaut spin radius is 100, and bloodstone increases AoE radius by 20. This is the total AoE increase if he buys a bloodstone.

Hint: Area of circle = pi*r^2

What is 4400pi.