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David's wife and the Mother of Solomon.

Who is Bathsheba?


The shortest verse in the Bible.

What is "Jesus Wept"?/What is John 11:35?


Noah had three sons, what are there names?

Who are Shem, Ham,Japheth?


Finish the Verse:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the ____ is eternal life in Christ Jesus out Lord."(Romans 6:23)

a.word of God

b.gift of God

c. spirit of God

What is b. "gift of God"?


My brother stole my birth right?

Who is Esau?


Hosea married a harlot named

Who is Gomer?


Who were the First apostles jesus called to follow him?

Who are Peter and Andrew?


Abraham is the father of our faith, how many sons did he have and what were their names?

What are two? Who are Isaac and Ishmael?


Finish the Verse:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own _____" (Proverbs 3:5)

What is Understanding?


Adam's third son.

Who is Seth?


The second wife of Abraham.

Who is Keturah?


On Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced for the guest and pleased Herod so he promised her with an oath to give her anything she asked, what did she ask for?

What is the Head of John the baptist on a platter?


The daughter of this man gave birth to a son whose name was Moab, the father of the Moabites.

Who is Lot?


Finish the verse

"I can do all things through him who_______."(Philippians 4:13)

a. gives me power

b.strengthens me

c. makes me strong

What is b. "strengthens me"?


This person ate honey from a lion's carcass.

Who is Samson?


The name of the woman Peter rose from the dead in Acts 9.

Who is Tabitha?


This commandment says, honor your mother and father?

What is the 4th Commandment?


This son of David violated his half sister.

Who is Amnon?


Finish the Verse

"But seek first ________ and his righteousness, and all these things wil be added to you."(Matthew 6:33)

a.the kingdom of God

b. the Father in Heaven

c. his kingdom

What is a. the kingdom of God?


Jesus was betrayed for this many pieces of sliver

What is 30?


She was a prostitute but because of her faith God saved her household and she is included in the Genealogy of Jesus.

Who is Rahab?


Finish the Verse:

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by _____ you are mine."(Isaiah 43:1)

What is name?


Which prophet warned the king about a rich man taking the poor man's ewe lamb?

Who is Nathan?


Finish the verse

"For God so loved ______ that he gave his one and only Son that"  whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."(John 3:16)

What is "the world"?


When the Holy Spirt came at the first pentecost this many people were saved.

What is 3,000?