Bethanechol chloride (Urecholine) is prescribed for a client with urinary retention. Which disorder would be a contraindication to the administration of this medication?

a. Gastric atony
b. Urinary strictures
c. Neurogenic atony
d. Gastroesophageal reflux
Answer: b Urinary Strictures

Rationale: This drug can be hazardous to clients with urinary tract obstruction or weakness of the bladder wall. Urecholine has the ability to contract the bladder and thereby increase pressure within the urinary tract. Elevation of pressure within the urinary tract could rupture the bladder in clients with these conditions.
Betaxolol hydrochloride (Betoptic) eye drops have been prescribed for the client with glaucoma. Which of the following nursing actions is the most appropriate related to monitoring for the side effects of this medication?

a. Monitoring temperature
b. Monitoring blood pressure
c. Assessing peripheral pulses
Answer: B Monitoring blood pressure

Rationale: Hypotension, dizziness, nausea, diaphoresis, headache, fatigue, constipation, and diarrhea are systemic effects of the medication. Nursing interventions include monitoring the blood pressure for hypotension, and assessing the pulse for strength, weakness, irregular rate, and bradycardia. Options a,b,c are not specifically associated with this medication.
Carbidopa-levadopa (Sinemet) is prescribed for the client with Parkinson’s disease. The nurse monitors the client for side effects of the medication. Which of the following would indicate that the client is experiencing a side effect?

a. Pruritus
b. Tachycardia
c. Hypertension
d. Impaired voluntary movements
Answer: d - Impaired voluntary movements

Rationale: Dyskinesia and impaired voluntary movements may occur with high levodopa dosages. Nausea, anorexia, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, and akinesia are frequent side effects of the medication.
A nurse is reviewing a physician’s prescription sheet for a preoperative client that states that the client must be NPO after midnight. The nurse would telephone the physician to clarify that which of the following medications should be given to the client and not withheld?

a. Prednisone
b. Ferrous sulfate
c. Cyclobenzaprine (flexeril)
d. Conjugated estrogen (Premarin)
Answer: A- Prednisone

Rationale: Prednisone is a corticosteriod. With prolonged use, corticosteroids cause adreanl atrophy, which reduces the body’s ability to withstand stress. When stress is severe, corticosteroids are essential to life. Before and during surgery, dosages may be increased temporarily. Ferrous sulfate is an oral iron preparation used to treat iron deficiency anemia. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) is a skeletal muscle relaxant. Conjugated estrogen (Premarin) is an estrogen used for hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.
The nurse is analyzing the laboratory results of a client with leukemia who has received a regimen of chemotherapy. Which laboratory value would the nurse specifically note as a result of the massive cell destruction that occurred from chemotherapy?

a. Anemia
b. Decreased platelets
c. Increased uric acid level
d. Decreased leukocyte count
Answer: C
Increased Uric Acid Level
Rationale: Hyperuricemia is especially common following treatment for leukemias and lymphomas because chemotherapy results in massive cell kill. Although options 1, 2, 4 also may be noted, an increased uric acid level is related specifically to cell destruction