Amazon has an arrow on its logo going from these 2 letter.
What is A and Z
At this store somethings are more than the price in it's name. 99/100 of a dollars.
What is the 99 cents store
Was Born In Hawaii
Who Is Obama?
We use this website, made in 1999, in math.
What is CPM
This Store has parades every thanksgiving
What Is Macy's
DD Had an affair while in office
Who is Bill Clinton
This website is for posting memes, photos, and more. Pewdiepie reviews it.
What is Reddit
This stores mascot is fittingly named Bullseye
What is Target
Who Is Clinton
This Israeli website building website has made over 1 billion dollars.
What Is Wix
If you add the numbers in this stores name, you get 18
What is 7-Eleven
Has a son named Jeb
Who is Bush
This website is the worlds largest quiz/trivia website
What is Sporcle
This stores motto is Dress For Less
What is Ross
Beat John McCain
Who is Obama