"B"rain "R"ot
The Bee's Knees
Money, Money, Money
Must Be Funny
Husbands, by Their Successful Wives

If only I could get off my phone long enough to fall in love, then maybe you and me could write one of these: the title of a 2009 Lady Gaga song.

What is Bad Romance?


Scientists distinguish between two words for bee habitats: "nest" is used when a colony houses itself in a natural cavity or a hanging or exposed structure; this word, by contrast, is technically only to be used for a man-made structure designed to house a colony.

What is "hive"?


If you're unsure of how best to budget, maybe you ought to hire one of these professionals trained in recommending how you should handle your money.

What is a financial advisor?


What's the best thing about Switzerland? Well, this symbol of the country, mounted outside of any embassy or government building, is a big plus.

What is the flag?


Lucille Ball... they starred together in "I Love Lucy".

Who is Desi Arnaz?


I'm not just rotting away! The doctor ordered this to help cure my illness, telling me to lie down most of the day.

What is bed rest?


In this species of bees, the males will approach other animals and behave aggressively, but do not have stingers; the females, on the other hand, have stingers, but are docile and rarely sting. The name of the species comes from their woodworking ability when making nests.

What are carpenter bees?


The odds of winning the Powerball lottery are 1 in 292.2 million. To put that in perspective, you're more likely to die from one of these celestial rocks falling from the sky (that's 1 in 74.8 million).

What is a meteor?


Why did the golfer always have two pairs of pants? It was in case she got this, an incredible feat in which she hits the ball straight from the teeing area to the base of the flag.

What is a hole in one?


Scarlett Johansson... he recently went semi-viral for humorously covering the surfing Olympics in Tahiti while battling infection in his injured toes.

Who is Colin Jost?


Social media is probably one of the most well-known causes of brain rot, but don't worry! I'm not on TikTok; I'm on this newer app, released in 2020 and designed to force people to be more genuine online by making them spontaneously post pictures at a random time during the day.

What is BeReal?


If a bee colony gets too overpopulated, the group will split in half, as a natural part of their biology intended to help with reproduction. This split involves thousands of bees flying rather chaotically all in one place, known as this-- contrary to popular belief, they're usually rather docile while this is happening.

What is a swarm?


When the COVID-19 pandemic first started to hit the United States and threaten the national economic outlook, the Federal Reserve announced a nearly unheard-of emergency cut on March 15, 2020, lowering these to nearly zero. The only other time in history it has done this was in 2008, in response to the Great Recession.

What are interest rates?


Why should you never date a tennis player? Because this means nothing to them: it's a score of zero.

What is love?


Nicole Kidman... I guess blue must not be her color.

Who is Keith Urban?


Four common types of this car part are Blank & Smooth, Drilled, Slotted, and Drilled & Slotted, each designed for specific driving conditions and vehicle types. If it could rot, you wouldn't be able to stop your car!

What is a brake rotor?


Honey bees have very specific habits and patterns, including this activity, which they use to communicate information regarding resources with their bodies, not as a form of performing art. With it, they can communicate both direction and distance to a potential new nest, flower patch, or water.

What is dancing?


This man is responsible for establishing the First Bank of the United States in 1791 and also introducing plans for the United States Mint, later established in 1792. His work as the first Secretary of the Treasury landed his face on the $10 bill.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


Why was Pavlov's hair so soft? It's because he did this to it-- the same thing he did to his dogs with a bell and some food.

What is conditioning?


Kamala Harris... his children famously call her "Momala".

Who is Doug Emhoff?


This quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, who ended his career in 2022, was nicknamed after a London monument due to his 6'5" stature. We can only hope he doesn't have CTE, which would certainly be a type of brain rot...

Who is Ben Roethlisberger?


Most bumblebees are social insects that form colonies with a single queen. In this specific species of bumblebee, however, the queens invade the nests of other bumblebees, kill the resident queen, and lay their eggs in that nest, which are then cared for by the resident workers. The species is named after a certain bird that is known for a similar routine.

What is a cuckoo bumblebee?


Located in Kentucky, this is the most heavily guarded US military base, and for good reason: about half of the Treasury's stored gold is kept here.

What is Fort Knox?


What four-man rock group never plays music? Why, it's George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln-- a quartet that only meets in South Dakota, and is best known by this name.

What is Mount Rushmore?


Jennifer Lopez... though not for much longer.

Who is Ben Affleck?