Chapter 6 the environment and society
Chapter 7 Deviance and Social Control
chapter 9 Markets and Organizations
Chapter 10: Culture, Media, and Communication
chapter 11: Inequality and poverty

What is a one hundred year storm?

They are storms that are expected to happen only once a century.


____ behavior refers to behavior that violates societies' social norms. Deviant 



True or false: Social democratic economies tend to be anti union 



Where the American flag itself is ____ culture, the meanings behind it are the ____ culture

MAterial, symbolic 


Ryan works 40 hours per week at minimum wage and barely gets by: he may be considered part of the working ____



The study of the relationship between organisms and their environment 



You go to a party only 1 out of the 20 people there are not drinking berr. Your sociological mind determines that the person not drinking beer may be ____ deviant

statistically or socially. context! 


The idea that individuals place greater value on keeping what they have as opposed to giving something up to get something new is referred to as:

Loss Aversion 


Name two sustainable daily practices?

recycling , public transport, composting carpooling, eat less meat, un plug devices


True or false in some contexts this is both formally and informally deviant 

True in Alabama for one and other places too. 


Your friend Ronaldo is interested in studying a specific type of economics but forgets what it is called. He mentions that it blends psychology and economics into a new way of understanding markets and economic life. What is this type of economics called? 

Behavioral economics 


Explain what is a livable wage and a minimum wage is 

Discuss the idea that livable refers to a calculation based on actual necessities and current prices. Minimum is a bare minimum number often not reflective of realities. 


True or false ultimately electric car infrastructure is more important to develop for sustainable practices than public transportation 



What is formal deviance? What is informal deviance? Provide examples of both 

Formal refers to something that is illegal in society- risen to a formal level.- Jaywalking in certain places Informal refers to something that may be frowned upon but is not illegal- picking nose. 


A seller of fruit from the UK, Bobby moves to Glendale California with no contacts, no vendors to sell fruits, and ends up struggling to succeed in the fruit business in his new community. Bobby may have considered the importance of ____ networks before making his hasty move. 



Georgie grew up in a home that had very few resources, and he is worried about his upcoming date, he is worried from a Bourdieusian perspective that he may not have the correct _____ to behave the correct way at his upcoming date with his rich girlfriends' family at dinner



Briefly describe what social mobility is 

Refers to the ability to move social classes, or be in a higher social class than ones parents. 


Name and explain a possible governmental policy that could assist with fighting back against imminent climate change issues. 

Public transportation

Electric cars

Carbon neutral approach to capitalism

Recycling incentives


Name something that was once formally deviant but may now only be socially deviant Consider locality, statewide, and country wide. Remember that socially dev

Drinking alcohol

Smoking marijuana in some parts of the US 

Marriage between people of the same gender


Explain what a niche in the market is? Provide a product as as an example. 

Hiking shoes for people with flat feet

Bathroom wipes for those who care deeply about the environment 

Detergent made for those who specifically deal with the skin condition of eczema 


Is the US as a country more concerned with material or symbolic culture? Why or why not? 

Could argue wither way

MAterial- wealth, things, consumerism

Symbolic: the meanings behind flags- liberty- constitution, freedom