We as M1s receive(d) an email from this person every week detailing our upcoming P&S responsibilities.
Who is Alicia Boards?
Although he was Italian, it was this European country that financed Christopher Columbus's voyages.
What is Spain?
These were the three gifts given to Jesus at his birth.
What are gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
The Aeneid is written by this author.
Who is Virgil?
"I see dead people," one of the most famous cinematic lines ever delivered, comes from this 1999 film.
What is The Sixth Sense?
This man is responsible for collectively ruining the days of 180 students with one email (i.e. he releases exam results).
Who is Peter Poulos?
This patron saint of France played a crucial role in the Hundred Years' War against England – only to be burned at the stake at the age of 19.
Who is Joan of Arc?
Jesus was baptized in this river.
What is the Jordan River?
Nathaniel Hawthorne's most successful piece of work was this novel written about a single mother in Puritan Massachusetts.
What is The Scarlet Letter?
This is Joey Tribbiani's famous line in the TV show Friends.
What is "How you doin'?"
There are this many refrigerators in the R&R.
What is five?
Napoleon's most famous defeat comes at this site on June 18, 1815.
What is Waterloo?
This individual wrote the book of Acts.
Who is Luke?
A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist are both written by this English author.
Who is Charles Dickens?
The world's largest active volcano is located in this US state.
What is Hawaii?
This professor is most famous for (among more important accomplishments) inserting memes into his histological and embryological presentations.
Who is Dr. DJ Lowrie?
The Divine Comedy, which standardized Italian, was written by this person.
Who is Dante Alighieri?
This was the father of John the Baptist.
Who is Zechariah?
Harper Lee's most famous work is this 1960 novel.
What is To Kill a Mockingbird?
Neil Armstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin are two of the most famous astronauts to ever live. This other astronaut was also on Apollo 11.
Who is Michael Collins?
Who is Dr. Bruce Giffin?
Until its occupation in WWII, Iceland was formally a territory of this country.
What is Denmark?
What is Golgotha?
Lord of the Flies was written by this author.
Who is William Golding?
"Nevermore" is a line spoken by this titular character of an Edgar Allen Poe poem.
What is "The Raven"?