This kids Cartoon was popular in the 1900's and includes a blue cookie monster. What show is this?
Sesame Street!
This destination is right next to Georgia and Alabama and is the most common Vacation spot. What is this destination?
What is a children's version of a Old Fashion called?
Kiddy cocktails!
This Superhero Can jump from building to Building with spiderwebs. who is this?
What is the most high payed job?
This cartoon includes a black Duck that has a slur. What show is this?
Looney Toons!
What is the most populated spot that tourists travel to?
What is the most unhealthy soda a person can drink?
Mountain Dew!
Who is the strongest Superhero?
What is the boringest job a person can have?
This Children's show is about a family of 4 that is a animal that is also known as pork. What show is this?
Peppa Pig!
What is the coldest vacation spot in the world?
What is the most Popular kids drink?
Juice Boxes!
Who is the biggest Superhero?
How long is College for a nurse/doctor?
10/12 years!
This Tv Show is hosted in caveman time with a family. What show is this?
The Flintstones!
This Vacation spot is most likely to get a tsunami and has multiple Islands next to each other and is right by Alaska. What is this Spot?
a cocktail made with tequila and citrus fruit juice, mostly found in the caribbean?
What superhero has the most movies made about them?
What is the most important Job in the world?
A police officer!
What was the first Tv show that Mickey Mouse appeared in?
Steamboat Willey!
What is the most visited state in the world?
What is the oldest Soda Ever created?
Root Beer!
How old is Batman in the first movie?
30 years old!
What is the worst job a person can have?
Sewage cleaner/dumpster guy!