Woof? Woof!
Taylor Catered
When We Were Young

Adjective for book pages turned down at one corner.

What is dog earred?


Partly to distance themselves from J.K. Rowling, athletes are now replacing this name for their sport with "quadball".

What is Quidditch?


On "Game of Thrones", Ygritte told this character, "You know nothing".

Who is Jon Snow?


Lyrics to this '90s TV show theme included "Yo, homes, smell ya later"

What is "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air"?


Working together still, this perfect ND pair had to call it quits after differing views about their future when it came to having children.

Who are Dana and Hans?


In the title of their 2000 hit, the Baha Men wanted to know this.

What is "Who Let the Dogs Out?"?


In 2019 FIFA named her Women's Player of the Year; in 2020 she proposed to girlfriend Sue Bird.

Who is Megan Rapinoe?


With flowing white hair, Geralt of Rivia is a monster slayer in this video game series based on the stories of Andrzej Sapkowski.

What is The Witcher?


Many a '90s mom thought all these alliterative stuffed animals would increase in value & pay for her kid's college education.

What are Beanie Babies?


In 2008, this theme for Faculty Follies pitted two groups whom had never seen competition with one another, against each other. 

What is Pirates Versus Zombies?


You get a Scooby snack if you know that this large dog breed originated in Germany, not Denmark as its name might suggest

What is a Great Dane?


Sagittarians dream of emulating Zhang Juan Juan, who won Olympic gold in this sport in 2008.

What is archery?


In the sci-fi novel "Gideon the Ninth", Gideon is a cavalier bonded to Harrowhark, one of these bone-raising conjurers.

What are necromancers?


You may recall this book series by K.A. Applegate with teens shapeshifting into beasts.

What is the Animorphs?


To ask to take someone to dinner, and then make them pay. 

What is pulling a Satin?


FDR served hot dogs to this British king & his queen.

Who is King George VI?


This '70s tennis superstar said when she was 12, she knew she'd "spend the rest of (her) life fighting for equal rights"

Who is Billie Jean King?


Lucien becomes chief librarian of the Dreaming in this Neil Gaiman comic book series with a one-word title.

What is Sandman?


Henry & June live inside a comic book filled with mind-scrambling cartoons on this show.

What is Kablam!?


This phrase is used when someone asks about that very unimportant thing you have said, one too many times. 

What is "The tree is far away!"?


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling is one breed of this sporting dog for whom "fetch!" should be instinctual.

What is a retreiver?


When you're having fun in Japan playing this sport, you'll learn it's known there as besuboru.

What is baseball?


Before they were Vox Machina, they called themselves this name.

What is the Super High-Intensity Team (S.H.I.Ts)?


This Aussie marsupial is of the family Peramelidae; you may know the one named Crash.

What is a bandicoot?


Fading fast, but held on by a small few who still believe, this East (Girls') Dorm tradition was always a great little surprise. 

What are pixies?