In the show “Friends” what creature does Phoebe claim it falls in love and mates for life?
What is a lobster
This main continent is Tolkien’s mythological past that is home to such peoples as Elves, Dwarves, Ents, and Hobbits
What is Middle-earth
This is the fourth installment in a series of the iconic archaeological adventures starring Harrison Ford, releasing to mixed reactions
What is Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull
“Im lovin’ it”
What is McDonald’s
“To be or not to be” is a quote from which famous Shakespeare play?
What is Hamlet
What is the name of the park project that Leslie works on throughout the series Parks and Recreation?
What is Pawnee Commons
Unfortunate planet to be victim to the superlaser of the Death Star in 1977
What is Alderaan
This movie released in 2005 following the misadventures of some ‘super’ teens, was meant to be a series of films if it hadn’t fallen through from underperforming.
What is Sky High
”Taste the rainbow”
What are skittles
This Japanese dish is a type of fermented soybean
What is Natto
In The Big Bang Theory, what character is known for not having maiden name?
Who is Penny
Heading to the second star to the right and straight on till morning will take you to this island
What is Neverland
While this remake movie was closer in accuracy to its source material, due to the beloved 1971 adaptation that preceded it this film is regarded as lesser.
What is Charlie and the chocolate factory
“The Quicker picker upper”
What is Bounty
This film won the Best Picture Oscar in 2003, becoming the first fantasy film to do so
What is the Lord of the Rings
In Psych, what language does Carlton Lassiter assume is Shaggy the sea-lion’s last name?
What is French
A place where cards paint roses red, and unbirthdays are celebrated
Where is Wonderland
After the resent failure of sequel, this series of previously scrutinized movies are now reentering the spotlight
What are the Star wars prequels
“Is it in you?”
What is Gatorade
This former U.S. president made Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas, and New years Day federal holidays during his presidency
who is Ulysses S. Grant
In the series How I Met Your Mother, what is the name of the bar the Barney and Ted plan to-then eventually open?
What is Puzzles
Stumbled upon accidentally, this icy wonderland landscape luckily came with coats upon entry
Where is Narnia
This movie did so bad, it got a 4 hour long remake
What is the Justice League
“Impossible is nothing”
What is Adidas
This planet was originally named George
What is Uranus