Famous Last Words
You Can Count On It
Where are we?
Happy Holy-Days
It's In The Genes

This person's final words were, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."

Who is Stephen?


The Israelites marched around Jericho for seven days. If you know the story you can add up the number of laps to this total.

What is thirteen?


The queen of this land came to meet Solomon after hearing rumors of his great wealth.

What is Sheba?


According to Leviticus 23, this festival occurs 50 days after the Feast of Firstfruits and was later associated with the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai.

What is Pentecost (Feast of Weeks)?


He walked with God and then was not, for God took him.

Who is Enoch?


This person's final words were, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Who is the thief on the cross?


Ink shortage? When he got around to writing his final document this author penned only 219 words.

Who is John?


This river is where General Naaman bathed to be healed of his leprosy.

What is the Jordan River?


This solemn day, observed on the 10th day of the 7th month, required Israel to afflict their souls and included the high priest entering the Most Holy Place.

What is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)?


This man raised the first set of twins mentioned in the Bible.

Who is Issac?


This person's final words were, "Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field."

Who is Goliath? 


In Biblical Numerology, Seven is believed to be the number of perfection, Six the number of imperfection. The number five is widely believed to represent this essential attribute of God.

What is God's grace/goodness?


Paul's missionary companion, Barnabas, called this place his homeland.

What is Cyprus?


Instituted in the book of Esther, this Jewish festival celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from destruction at the hands of Haman.

What is Purim?


This old shepherd priest became Moses's father-in-law.

Who is Jethro?


This person's final words were, "Yes, that is the price."

Who is Sapphira? 


One nameless descendant of the giants of Gath could count up to this number with his abnormal quantity of fingers and toes. (2 Sam. 21:20).

What is 24?


This mountain was where Moses stood overlooking the Promised Land that God would not allow him to enter due to his disobedience.

What is Mount Pisgah?


In 2 Chronicles 30, this king of Judah reinstituted a long-neglected festival and invited people from the northern kingdom to join in its observance.

Who is King Hezekiah?

David showed great kindness to this young crippled man.

Who is Mephibosheth?


This person's final words were, "Therefore it shall be a witness against you, lest you deal falsely with your God." 

Who is Joshua?


Some superheroes use fancy war-hammers. Samson went all out by using a donkey’s jawbone. To the nearest thousandth, this is the number of Philistines that he struck down with one.

What is 1000?


This is the city where David was king prior to taking the throne in Jerusalem.

What is Hebron?


In the vision of Zechariah 14, this Old Testament festival is uniquely mentioned as one that even Gentile nations will be required to observe in the Messianic age.

What is the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot, or Feast of Booths)?


This woman of faith was the mother of Paul's pastoral protégé.

Who is Eunice?