Silent Letters
Plurals Ending in -i
9th Grade Curriculum
All Things Furniture

some people can do this with their mouths, while others including referees use a specialized device with the same name

What is a whistle?


Multiple mushrooms means something everyone likes

What is fungi?


a wise duck once said not to talk about the election with strangers on this mechanism that helps transport skiers to the top of the mountain


A creation in art class where you cut things out of magazines and glue them to a sheet of paper, not to be confused with where 9th grade students may be in 4 years

What is a collage?


these usually seat 1 person and sometimes swivel or rock

What is a chair?


You can stop pronouncing this army term meaning a type of group 3 out of 5 letters in and say it the exact same way

What is corps?


Since graduation, me and my friends have been these

What are alumni?


an alias of Sir's that also marks a very difficult slope

What is Black Diamond?


the process in which a cell divides to form two daughter cells

What is mitosis?


An empire or a place to put your feet up

What is an ottoman?


Another term for a fortune teller

What is a psychic?


These spiky plants store water inside themselves as there's not any nearby

What are cacti?


this skiing game I played using my Wii Remote and Nunchuk is not a part of the Wii series of games like Wii Sports and Wii Play

What is We Ski?


The pursuing, establishing and maintaining of control and exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group (not a good thing)

What is colonialism?


This Swedish store is full of little rooms of furniture that you can in theory assemble yourself

What is IKEA?


On none of the 4 times this occurs in a typical February are the 'd' or 'e' pronounced 

What is Wednesday?


They have a total of 16 or 24 or 32 or 40 or 48 tentacles

What are octopi?


many believe the best place to ski in the United States is in this mountain ridge that inspired the name of a time zone

What are the Rocky Mountains?


The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle

What is a hypotenuse?


16 balls are used to play on this piece of furniture often found in the pub

What is a pool table?


A geographical term for a small hill that only has multiple silent letters if you count one of the double letter it ends with as silent

What is a knoll?

When you have multiple circles, you have multiple diameters, and just as many of these despite them being half the size

What are radii?


a type of climate, a type of plants, or a type of skiing

What is alpine?

Scary guy with scary name in To kill a Mockingbird with literal and symbolic invisibility

Who is Boo Radley?


this sofa has a french name and enough room to support the legs of the sitter

What is a chaise lounge?