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Dr. Jones Trivia

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-The Humanists

What is "To the source".


Utopia (1516)

Who was Thomas More?


The painting above, entitled "The School of Athens" pays tribute to the ancients as part of this intellectual movement.

What is the Renaissance?


The Age of the Scientific Revolution was also the Age of this cultural 'craze', which took the lives of over 30,000 European women. Among the accused was Johannes Kepler's own mother.  

What was the European Witch Craze?


The Earl of Shrewsberry remarked that Galileo had "overthrown all former astronomy" with his discovery of "four new planets rolling about the sphere of Jupiter", through the use of this Flemish invention.

What is the telescope?


In 1962, historian Thomas Kuhn described this 16th century intellectual movement as a paradigm shift, where observable facts such as the retrograde of Mars did not fit in with the prevailing theory.

What is the Scientific Revolution?


While Dr. Jones received his PhD and Master's degree from Yale, his true alma mater is this university, where students bleed purple.

What is Weber State University?


Sola fide!

-Martin Luther

What is "By Faith Alone"?


On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)

Who is Nicolas Copernicus?


This is a picture of this thing.

What is a salon?


Far from being a relic of the Middle Ages, the domestic sphere for women was developed in this century in Europe.

What is the 19th century?


The 20th-century historian Elizabeth Eisenstein postulated that a communications revolution occurred during the Renaissance and Reformation as the result of this new technology.

What is the printing press?


Led by the slave-turned General Toussant L'Ouverture, this liberation of a Caribbean island may be the world's only successful slave revolt.

What was the Haitian Revolution?


Although he is a naturalized US citizen, Dr. Jones hails from this province in Canada, eh?

What is New Brunswick?


Cuius regio, eius religio.

-The Peace of Augsburg

What is "Whose region, their religion"?


What is the Third Estate?

Who is Abbe Sieyes?


Painted in 1814 by Francisco Goya, the painting above depicts this country's resistance to the armies of Napoleon.

What is Spain?

When Protestants closed these institutions in the sixteenth century, it left medieval women with fewer choices than before.

What are nunneries?

The Scientific Revolution, it has been argued, was to some extent caused by an increased interest in the natural world resulting from this intellectual movement of the 15th century.

What was the Renaissance?


This revolution began with the third estate walking out of the estates general in 1789, and signaled the end of the Old Regime.

What was the French Revolution?


A car salesman, a religious studies professor, a waiter at the Olive Garden, a worship leader, a Starbucks barista, a substitute teacher, a hockey coach, an Autozone employee, a Subway sandwich artist, an art museum educator, a Burger King cashier, a handyman.

Of this auspicious list of careers, Dr. Jones has never worked in this job.

What is a hockey coach?

Cogito Ergo Sum


What is "I think therefore I am"?


The Spiritual Exercises (1548)

Who is Ignatius Loyola?


a 1545 picture of this guy.

Who is Henry VIII?


What was World War I?


Science in France was supported by the King Louis XIV though this organization.

What was the Academy of Science?


Led by the Patriot Whigs against the mercantilist policies of King George III, the success of this Revolution may have had more to do with the Caribean sugar islands than any crossing of the Delaware.

What was the American Revolution?

As a student of Medieval and Early Modern history, Dr. Jones wrote his dissertation on the birth of corruption in this European country.

What is Switzerland?


Tabula Rasa

-John Locke

What is "Blank Slate"?


An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)

Who is Adam Smith?


Theodore Gericault's Raft of the Medusa shows the folly of man's genius in the clutches of natural forces, and was emblematic of this artistic movement.

What was Romanticism?


As the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions, this absolute monarch defended successfully defended her territory against an invasion from Frederick II of Prussia in the War of Austrian Succession.

Who was Maria Theresa? (r. 1740-1780)


In a microcosmic Copernican Revolution of his own, this 17th-century Dutch scientist discovered there are tiny "animolcules" living on nearly every surface, invisible to the naked eye.

Who was Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek?


What was the Agricultural Revolution?


First immigrating to America in 2001, Dr. Jones was initially employed under the table in this job.

What was a mascot for Tasty's Donuts.