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Sharing the Party with our Namesakes!

In 1985, Clara visited the Hermitage in this city.

What is Leningrad?


This famous African American first baseman broke the color line when he signed on with the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Who is Jackie Robinson?


This author’s most famous modernist work takes place on and is celebrated each year one day before Clara’s birthday.

Who is James Joyce?


This famous Russian modernist composer of many ballets, including "The Firebird," shares Clara's birthday - June 17th (on the Gregorian Calendar). 

Who is Stravinsky? 


This Clara celebrator shares the same real first name with George Orwell. 

Who is Eric? (Eric Arthur Blair.) 


This island destination was also home to the famous cellist Pablo Casals.

What is Puerto Rico?  


When it didn’t rain today, contrary to earlier reports, we thought we could use this idiom,  and say, “we really dodged” this. Little did we know...

What is “a bullet”?


This continually running intergenerational TV show, watched many times by the birthday girl, features a 30-something single mother, Lorelei, and her intellectual teenage daughter.

What is The Gilmore Girls?


This movie theme song doubled as Clara and Robby’s with each other.


 What is love Story?


This person's namesakes include a great pianist, the main character in a ballet, the best friend in a children's novel and the founder of the American Red Cross. 

Who is Clara? 


While in Rio, Clara visited the home of this famous classical composer.

 Who is Heitor Villalobos?


This Brooklyn and then LA center fielder was also known as "the Silver Fox" and "the Duke of Flatbush.”

Who is Duke Snider?


The originator of the famous family line: “Grandma, relax!”

Who is Samia?


Like Grandmère, as we say in French, this character from a George Bernard Shaw play and musical is both linguist and grammarian. 

Who is Henry Higgins?


This celebrator’s namesake is famous for an enigmatic smile. 

Who is Lisa? 


While in Leipzig, Clara visited the Thomaskirche to hear the music of this composer, who was its music director from 1723 until his death in 1750.

Who is J.S. Bach?


In his 1968 novel Armies of the Night, Norman Mailer writes about the March on the Pentagon, and this type of dodger. 

What is “the draft”?


At 3, this person famously tried to plant a peach pit and sadly returned to his mom to report in tears, “It didn’t grow!”

Who is Kenny?


Three drinking songs or Brindisi’s from operas or beyond.

What is libiam? 100 bottles of beer on the wall? “Drink, Drink, Drink” from The Student Prince. “Votre toast, Je peux vous le rendre….” Torreador song from Carmen (Escamillo). “Certain rat dans la cuisine.” Damnation of Faust. “Finch’han dal vino” (Don Giovanni), Otello, Fleudermaus. Gounod’s Faust, and Kleinzach from Tales of Hoffmann...


 Two first women share our names, one as first Latina member of the supreme court and the second as the first professional female author in Europe. 

Who are Sandra and Christine? 


While in Paris, Clara visited many Museums, name three among them.

What is three of the following: Musee D’Orsay, Louvre, Picasso Museum, Centre Pompidou, Orangerie, Cluny, Rodin, Jeu de Paume.... 


Jack Dawkins, the famous pickpocket in Oliver Twist, is known by this nickname.  

Who is the Artful Dodger?


 In Grandma’s 85 Birthday video, Pia spoke about Clara’s “infinite variety.”

Who is Mark Anthony to Cleopatra? “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/ her infinite variety.” Will accept, Who is Shakespeare?


Let’s finish up here, something that this composer didn’t do in the following piece.

Who is Schubert?


The following name sharers include the female lead opposite Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo and Hamlet in the 1996 film version (also Gilderoy Lockhardt in Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets)?

Who are Lauren and Kenneth?