Precipitation, Collection, Evaporation, Condensation
What is the water cycle?
Rocks, Sand, Dirt, Water
What are some abiotic elements in our terrariums?
These are foud at the bottom of the Food/Energy period.
The dominant plant is grass.
What is the main characteristic of the Savanah or grasslands?
How do producers make food from sunlight and water>
Energy/sunlight + Water +Chlorophyll + Carbon Dioxide = Energy + Sugar + Oxygen
What is photosynthesis?
What kind of plants did we put into our terrariums?
Tertiary Consumers
What is another term for Apex Predators?
The dominant plant is seaweed.
What is the main producer in a Marine biome?
Bacteria and microrganisms
What are the smallest biotic factors of a biome?
To make their leaves green.
Why do plants need nitrogen?
To let the sunlight through.
Why is the lid of our terrarium clear plastic?
Food / Energy Pyramid
What is another way to show how energy flows through the ecosystem?
The dominant plants are trees.
What is the main characteristic of forests?
What is the percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere?
Green plants
What type of organism creates oxygen?
Desert Biome
What kind of biome did we model when we created our terrariums?
By eating another organism
How does a consumer organism get energy?
A Pond or River
What is an example of a fresh water biome?
An omnivore
What kind of animal eats meat AND plants?
Because there are only a small number of resources.
Why is it important that resources are recycled?
If the plants survive.
How will we know if the terrarium experiment is successful?
Secondary Consumer
These are animals that eat animals that eat producers.
A Tropical Rainforest
Which biome has the most rainfall?
Rat and Birds
What is something a secondary consumer or tertiary consumer (like a snake) would eat?