What a Lovely Smile!
Fictional Characters
On the Map
Multiple Meanings
Icons on Stamps
That Company's History

Her famous grin is not really a "Mona Lisa Smile", though she played an art history professor in that movie

Who is Julia Roberts?


In a story by Edgar Rice Burroughs, this title character adopts an orphaned cub that becomes "The Golden Lion"

Who is Tarzan?

The name of this mountain range comes from Sanskrit words for "snow" & "abode"

What are the Himalayas?


To impede, or a laundry receptacle

What is hamper?


The menu for the Celebrity Chefs stamps included Joyce Chen & this woman who taught us to master the art of French cooking

Who is Julia Child?


AuctionWeb was an early name for this company founded by Pierre Omidyar

What is eBay?


This sport is known for its special smiles, like the one flashed by Bobby Clark

What is hockey?


He tells Dorothy, "It is very tedious being perched up here night & day"

Who is the Scarecrow?


Dating to the 1690s, the Eddystone Lighthouse is near Plymouth in Devon, on rocks in this narrow body of water

What is the English Channel?


You can do this with a fugitive in a place of refuge, perhaps in the same-named watery area

What is harbor?


This great American has been featured on more than 130 stamps, a fitting tribute to a former postmaster general

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This brand's LV monogram was designed by the son of its founder in 1896

What is Louis Vuitton?


This top model & reality TV host coined the term smize, meaning to smile with your eyes

Who is Tyra Banks?


In the "Twilight" saga, vampire-human hybrid Renesmee Cullen was a baby when this character fell for her

Who is Jacob?


In 1616 navigator Willem Schouten rounded this cape at the tip of South America & named it for the Dutch city of his birth

What is Cape Horn?


It's an animal; it's a northeastern city; it's a verb meaning to bully

What is buffalo?

She wears a black judicial robe & a white collar on the 2023 stamp honoring her

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsberg?


In 1953 it took this company more than 3 dozen tries to create a formula for rust prevention, now a popular lubricant

What is WD-40?


She posted an Instagram tip, "Open your mouth when you smile, like you're having the time of your life"

Who is Blake Lively?

Agatha Christie said that while her grandmother was an inspiration, this character was "far more fussy & spinsterish"

Who is Miss Marple?


The Tha, a tributary of this river, flows through Laos

What is the Mekong?


Happening now, or the movement of the tide

What is current?


This man wears his iconic red cardigan on his stamp

Who is Mr. Rogers?


Take a Walkman down memory lane to 1946 when this company was founded in Tokyo by 2 engineers

What is Sony?


Celebrity dentist Dr. Catrise Austin was in demand after working on the smile of this woman who rapped, "Got a bag & fixed my teeth"

Who is Cardi B?


The title of a 1960 novel is explained by this lawyer, who says, "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird"

Who is Atticus Finch?


In 2024 this Omani capital faced widespread flash flooding from heavy rainstorms

What is Muscat?


To abstain or elect not to do something, like not mentioning it's another word for a song's chorus

What is refrain?


A 12-second achievement by this pair from Dayton, Ohio got them on more than half a dozen stamps

Who are the Wright Brothers?


Originally an aerial crop-dusting company, it's named for the southern U.S. region it originally served

What is Delta Airlines?