Another Revolution
Captains of Industry
Climb the Corp. Ladder
Weapons of War
Women & Technology
Throughout the nineteenth century, this material was still an expensive refinement of wrought iron and was produced only in small-scale production.
What is steel?
Owing to the advances made by internal combustion, this industrialist made significant use of the modern assembly line to produce automobiles.
Who is Henry Ford?
It was at this small laboratory in New Jersey that the incandescent lightbulb first came into existence in 1879.
What is Menlo Park?
This woefully inaccurate firearm was the main infantry weapon of the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812
What is the flintlock musket?
As open-hearth woodfires generally required a man's strength to chop and haul wood, enclosed iron stoves using this type of fuel gradually became more prominent by the end of the eighteenth century, enabling women to manage on their own.
What is coal?
This process, named after the engineer who devised it, produced even heating of the metals in iron foundries.
What is the Bessemer process?
This tinkerer-turned-industrialist is often credited with inventing the lightbulb, though it is fairer to say that he improved it.
Who is Thomas Edison?
Alexander Graham Bell's real success lay not in his perfection of this ubiquitous device, but in his cornering the market on materials and implements that went along with it.
What is the telephone?
This is the process of cutting spiral grooves into firearm barrel's interior, providing a spin to the projectile.
What is rifling?
Early washing machines posed significant problems for domestic use, as they could not replicate the rubbing motion of handwashing until the introduction of this device.
What is an agitator?
Electromagnetic induction, discovered in Britain as early as 1821, generated an electrical charge by rapidly rotating magnets wound with this inductive material.
What is copper wire?
Although dyes and paints, along with pharmaceuticals, have cemented this industrial family's technological legacy, their company began with the production of explosives.
Who are the DuPonts?
Although they were far from modern by the twentieth century, these nineteenth-century marvels represent the first modern American corporations.
What are railroads?
This small explosive implement made the loading of weapons much quicker by eliminating the need for a priming pan and external powder charge.
What is a percussion cap?
These machines, marketed first for domestic use, found widespread popularity in the textile industry, necessitating the employment of many women in factories.
What are sewing machines?
Early internal combustion had the problem of requiring a constant fuel source, and coal was heavy and dirty. The refinement of this new fuel source solved many of these issues.
What is petroleum?
While rising to prominence through the exploitation of labor in his steel mills, this industrialist invested much of his wealth into social programs aimed at improving workers' lives.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
Following the Civil War, these types of colleges were established with an aim toward training engineers in academic settings, further blurring the lines between science and technology.
What are land-grant colleges?
While proving to be somewhat futile during the Civil War, the USS Monitor was the first of this type of warship, complete with rotating gun turret.
What is an ironclad?
Traditionalists balked at the commercial introduction of these goods, believing they undermined the woman's role in feeding her family.
What are canned (processed) foods?
Scientists and engineers in the late nineteenth century heatedly debated between these TWO types of electrical power.
What are DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current)?
This industrialist founded the Standard Oil Company and ultimately became the wealthiest American of all time, with a fortune of nearly $400 billion, when adjusted for inflation.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The DuPont corporation sought to diversify its product line by acquiring these from competing chemical manufacturers and using the technology to create an entire line of different products.
What are patents?
The technological advancement of weaponry in the nineteenth century had a significant influence on military organization, as armies moved gradually away from the European style of warfare and engaged instead in guerilla tactics and this method of digging in by the end of the war.
What is trench warfare?
The invention of this clerical device led to fundamental changes in the nature of secretarial work, as women proved themselves to be more adept than men in their operation, perhaps due to nimbler fingers.
What is the typewriter?