Let's Get Hypothetical
Hope You Read the Slides from the Practice Exam Day
*Negligence Causes* Me Headaches
*Compare* My *Contribution* to Hers
Defendant throws a football at a boy on his shed simply to scare him. However, he has more Tom Brady in him than he realizes and hits the boy right in the hands. The boy falls off the roof and breaks a leg. Defendant is liable under this theory.
What is transferred intent (assault to battery)?
This term is used when a defendant is held liable without a finding of fault (negligence or intent) for engaging in a hazardous activity or venture
What is strict liability?
This is another name for “but-for cause.”
What is "causation-in-fact?"
The last clear chance doctrine is only available for this type of negligence.
What is contributory negligence?
This is the substantial and unreasonable interference with one’s use or enjoyment of land.
What is nuisance?
The city destroys plaintiff’s house to prevent the spread of fire. Except for possible governmental immunity, the city should plead this.
What is public necessity?
This term is used when a company is held liable for the torts of its workers done in the scope of employment.
What is respondeat superior? We will also accept "what is vicarious liability?"
Insanity has this effect on the reasonable person standard of care.
What is no effect?
This form of negligence allows the plaintiff to recover even if that plaintiff is 99% responsible.
What is pure comparative negligence?
This term requires medical professionals to disclose significant risks, as well as the risks that a reasonable patient would want to know.
What is informed consent?
A, B, and C all crash into P’s car at the same time. A is found to be 10% negligent, B 30%, C 5%, and P 55%. C is insolvent. This jurisdiction recognizes joint and several liability. Under a modified comparative negligence regime, P can recover this from whom.
What is zero?
These are the two situations where strict liability is implicated.
What are engaging in a hazardous activity (i.e. blasting) AND having animals owned and possessed by defendant cause injuries or damage?
When a court applies this doctrine, a statute replaces the usual standard of care, and violation of the statute establishes a breach of duty.
What is negligence per se?
Warning: completely random. This theory should be used when the plaintiff in a negligence case cannot show exactly what the defendant has done.
What is res ipsa loquitur?
A person with really good eyesight will be held to the standard of a reasonable person with this kind of eyesight.
What is "really good?" We will also accept "the same."
A, B, and C all crash into P’s car at the same time. A is found to be 20% negligent, B 15%, C 45%, and P 20%. C is insolvent. This jurisdiction recognizes joint and several liability. Under a pure comparative negligence regime, P can recover this from whom.
What is 80% of P's damages from A or B?
This a viable defense to strict liability.
What is assumption of the risk?
This is the term for an intervening cause that forces the conclusion that the defendant’s negligence was not the proximate cause of the injury.
What is a superseding cause?
This is one of four U.S. states that still employs contributory negligence.
What is Alabama (or Virginia, North Carolina, or Maryland)? Note the District of Columbia also has contributory negligence.
The general intent requirement is satisfied when this happens.
What is the defendant has knowledge to a substantial certainty that his actions will cause a tort?
The OC (don't call it that) has a law prohibiting stair cars from being used on public roads for fear that important banners will be torn down. While drunk, some guy (not to be confused with the righteous Job) runs over some person in all blue paint. This blue man's family brings a wrongful death suit and will most likely have to prove this number of negligence elements.
What is four (negligence per se, which eliminates duty and breach, probably will not apply)?
A "boss" is liable for an independent contractor’s negligence under this circumstance.
What is when the work is inherently dangerous?
According to this test, if the burden (the cost of taking steps to avoid the risk) is less than the risk itself, then the party is negligent for not undertaking the burden.
What is the Learned Hand Test? We will also accept the Risk/Utility Test.
The better of the two TAs for this class.
Who is Michael?
This typically arises in situations where a physician’s malpractice further reduces a patient’s already smaller than 50% chance of survival from a disease or condition.
What is loss of chance of recovery?