King James I called this addictive plant "dangerous to the lungs."
What is tobacco?
What is Germany
It was once the College of Rhode Island, located in Providence.
What is Brown
This attack on Hawaii lead the US into World War II
What is Pearl Harbor
Cultivation of this autumnal squash/gourd dates back to 7000 B.C, but the carving of them started in British Isles in the 1700s
What is a pumpkin?
What is Poland
UPenn's mascot is this Protestant group belonging to the Religious Society of Friends.
Who are the Quakers
Along with the sinking of the Lusitania, the Zimmermann proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States pushed congress to join this war.
What is World War I
This spice is native to Mesoamerica, but it was cultivated in Madagascar in the 1880s to make it seem more exotic. Nowadays, it all seems rather bland and plain...
What is vanilla?
Zhong guo
What is China
The teams of this school wear crimson and don the name Crimson
What is Harvard?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident involved no US casualties, but that didn't stop LBJ from using the "attack" to sign legal justification that allowed him to send forces to this country without congress declaring war.
What is Vietnam?
Jimmy Carter used to farm these legumes in Georgia, but they were first cultivated by the Moche culture in Peru.
What are peanuts?
The Bulldogs of this school play in the Ivy league's largest stadium, which seats over 60,000.
(Fun fact: The average attendance is usually below 10,000, but they can't tear down the stadium since it's a historical landmark now)
Who is Yale?
The Iraq invasion was kicked off in 2003 as a response to this terrorist attack in NYC
What is 9/11?
The blue species of this plant is used to make Tequila
What is agave?
Bharat (Or Hindustan)
What is India?
This ivy league in Hanover, New Hampshire dons the name Big Green for their athletics, but their unofficial mascot since 1972 has been Keggy the Keg
What is Dartmouth.
The Spanish-American War began with the accidental explosion of this ship of the coast of Cuba, which was promptly blamed on the Spanish and pushed us to war.
What is the USS Maine