This city is the headquarters for Coca-Cola.
Moths were obsessed with this household object in this meme from 2018.
What is lamp?
Mt. Olympus is located at this national landmark.
What is the Empire State Building?
The Declaration of Independence was signed in this year.
What is 1776?
In this episode, Michael organizes a game where everyone wears a race card on their head, and are forced to assume what race they are based on the racial stereotypes they are given.
What is Diversity Day?
Earth King Bumi rules over this city.
What is Omashu?
This movie was the source of the “One cannot simply...” meme template.
What is Lord of the Rings?
This dragon is one of the most badass characters in the Heroes of Olympus series.
Who is Festus?
This holiday celebrates the freeing of the slaves at the end of the Civil War.
What is Juneteenth?
Michael spends a ton of time making this movie, where he plays Agent Michael Scarn.
What is Threat Level Midnight?
This hostess creeps out the Gaang in Ba Sing Se, and has many clones.
Who is Joo Dee?
This summer 2014 meme raised over $100 million for ALS research.
What is the Ice Bucket Challenge?
Chiron is _____ years old.
What is 3000?
This president oversaw the beginning of the Great Depression.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Michael and Holly leave Scranton to live in this state.
What is Colorado?
This loyal fire nation soldier was Uncle Iroh’s son, who died in battle at Ba Sing Se.
Who is Lu Ten?
This Norwegian comedy duo is responsible for the song “what does the fox say?”
Who are Ylvis?
Name the 12 Olympians.
Who are Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, Ares, Aphrodite, and Dionysus?
This city is the capital of Alabama.
What is Montgomery?
Jim and Pam have 2 kids. Name them.
Who are Philip and Cece?
This witch teaches Katara blood bending in season 3.
Who is Hama?
Did you wager? Yes. What did it cost? Everything. This movie spawned many memes just like this one(maybe the wording was a bit different though).
What is Infinity War?
This Bay Area landmark serves as the entrance to Camp Jupiter.
What is the Caldecott Tunnel?
There have been 4 presidents who have been assassinated. Name them.
Who are Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy?
Amy Adams plays this character in seasons 1-2, whom Jim dates for a brief period of time.
Who is Katy?