The Colonies pt. 2
The Revolution & After
History Skills
Important People Pt. 2
Key Terms

The name of the place the Pilgrims first arrived in North America?

What is Plymouth Rock?


The rallying cry of colonists about taxes and government.

What is "No taxation without representation?"


What "E" in SPICES stands for.

What is Economic Systems?


Philosopher who believed in human reason and natural rights.

Who is John Locke?


A rebellion led by farmers in response to the seizure of their lands, which was put down by the troops of Massachusetts. 

What is Shay's Rebellion?


The Name for the Northern American Colonies.

What are the New England colonies?


The three branches of government.

What is Legislative, Judicial, and Executive?


What "C" stands for in SPICES.

What is Cultural Developments?


Founding Father, First Secretary of the Treasury, and namesake for a popular musical.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


A body of government in partnership with England that helped govern the Virginia colony. 

What is the House of Burgesses?


An intellectual movement based around human reason and political rights.

What is the Enlightenment?


It put a tax on most printed products in the colonies.

What is the Stamp Act?


What CER stands for.

What is Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning?


Author of the Virginia Plan, co-author of the Federalist Papers, and the Fourth President of the United States. 

Who is James Madison?

A system that divided power between the federal and state governments. 

What is Federalism?


A religious movement that began in the colonies to support the spiritual needs of the colonists. 

What is The Great Awakening?


The type of government the colonists and revolutionaries formed by creating states and writing a constitution.

What is a Republic?


What "SPI" stands for in SPICES.

What is Social Interactions, Political Systems, and Interactions with the Environment?


Famous Confederate Commander who rejected Lincoln's offer to the Union army. He lead the South to multiple victories against the North.

Who is Robert E. Lee?


An English document passed in 1215 that protected private property and was the first legal document limiting the power of the king.

What is The Magna Carta?


It limited any further expansion west of the original colonies, this line ran along the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation Line of 1763?


The idea that the government should not promote religion and that religion should not be limited by the government.

What is Separation of Church and State?


Everything you need to include when using a Chicago Style citation for a book in your works cited.

What is Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication; Publisher. Year of Publication. 


The First and only President of the Confederate States.

Who is Jefferson Davis?


A declaration in which the United States asserted that the monarchies of Europe had no business meddling with American republics, including those in Latin America.

What is The Monroe Doctrine?