A connecting word! Links two clauses
and, or, but etc
"The stars danced in the sky."
A text that is not a factually correct story.
This is the term for the beginning of a plot - introduces the reader to the characters, setting, and overall world of the text.
Your essay always must include these 3 types of paragraphs
Introduction, Body (argument), and Conclusion
Words like:
intelligent, sleepy, beautiful, angry, green, or crunchy
"She was as strong as an ox."
A text that is created to be performed, rather than read.
A play/drama/script
When two forces oppose each other in a text. Specific types of this are "human vs human, human vs society, human vs self, human vs technology".
The most important sentence in a formally written essay. Your 'argument'.
Thesis statement
This is used to connect two INDEPENDENT clauses that are thematically connected
semi colon
"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
A text about the whole of someone's life, written by that person.
The highest point of tension in a story - EVERYTHING changes after this - typically resolves the main conflict
The Climax
Most often, these words should be AVOIDED when writing a formal, analytical essay.
(also teacher discretion)
The term for three periods
"Ka-Pow!" "Boom!" "Ahhhh-Chooooo"
A piece of writing that balances the nature of speech and song
The sequence of events that make up a story - the building block of a narrative.
Where your thesis should go
(Two answers needed)
First sentence of your Conclusion
The official name for the comma right before "and" in a list:
She liked music, art, and travel.
Oxford Comma
"Six silky snakes slithered slyly."
(will also accept consonance)
A nonfiction narrative, written from the perspective and memories of the author
The literary term when the story starts in the middle of things - this helps generate immediate reader engagement - a Latin phrase
In Medias Res
The system of citations we use in English/ Literary Studies.
MLA (Modern Language Association)