The reason for ants up the wall in the studio
The snacks you left in cubbies
These are the 3 locations DPAC has called home
Here, Grand Ave, Pismo
Name all of Mrs. J’s kids (bonus points for husbands)
Jillian, Jordan, Jenae, William, Vince
When you hear this laugh, you know this person is about to walk in the room
Ms. J
Fill in this phrase you might hear someone behind the front desk say: “It’s the “____” “ ______” of the week!”
Best Thursday (or another day of the week)
Spiderman's true undercover identity is this DPAC Family Member.
Dante Silmon
The #1 excuse to get out of class
Filling up your water bottle
Name 5 DPAC alumni who are not currently faculty
Re’Sean was a recurring cast member on this popular FOX show
This smell is worse than the nike dri fit socks you forgot to take home from the studio
Douglas’ breath
In this year, the Dellos family opened their doors
The following people have fought over who coined this nickname: Marco Cruz, Mama T, Brooklyn Jai