Ancient Greece 1
Ancient Greece 2
Ancient Greece 3
Ancient Greece 5
Ancient Greece 6
Xerxes was king of ___________ A. Athens B. Persia C. Delos D. Mesopotamia
The Persian Empire finally ended when__________________. A. It was invaded by a young and powerful ruler named Alexander. B. The Greeks claimed victory at Plataea. C. Persians were forced to free Anatolia. D. Persians could no longer collect taxes.
It was invaded by a young and powerful ruler named Alexander.
Persia was located in what would be considered present-day_____________. A. Iran B. Syria C. Israel D. Turkey
Artemis is the Greek goddess of __________. A. Love and beauty. B. The hunt and wild animals. C. Wisdom. D. Marriage.
The hunt and wild animals.
Who was the Greek god of the underworld? A. Aphrodite B. Athena C. Hera D. Hades
Who was the Greek goddess of wisdom and crafts and was so popular that she had a major city named in her honor? A. Aphrodite B. Artemis C. Athena D. Apollo
Upper class women in Athens___________. A. Had the freedom to travel about the city. B. Could not marry until they were at least 20 years old. C. Could only leave home accompanied by a man. D. Attended school and studied politics
Could only leave home accompanied by a man.
Greece's mainland could best be described as a (n)____________. A. Peninsula B. Archipelago C. Island D. Delta
After the Persian Wars ended, Athens_______________. A. Sought to build new colonies on the northern coast of Africa. B. Became the economic and cultural center of Greece. C. Built up their military strength to rival that of Sparta. D. Was moved to a new location since it had been burned by the Persians.
Became the economic and cultural center of Greece.
Spartan men could return to their homes after completing military training when they were _________ years old. A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 60
The Greeks were able to defeat the Persian fleet at the Strait of Salamis in part because________________. A. They had more ships and more soldiers. B. Their ships were smaller and faster. C. Their ships were much larger and well built. D. The Persian's navy was weak.
Their ships were smaller and faster.
Many city-states developed into this type of government, where a few wealthy people held power over the larger group of citizens. A. Democracies B. Republics C. Kingdoms D. Oligarchies
Many communities in ancient Greece were separated by mountains and valleys which resulted in_____________. A. The development of many different languages. B. The development of fiercely independent states. C. The construction if an advanced system of roads. D. Alliances formed for group protection.
The development of fiercely independent states.
In the 500s B.C., Persia_____________. A. Organized an army made of slaves. B. Built an empire about the size of the continental United States. C. Organized city-states throughout its land.
Built an empire the suze of the continental Ynited States.
The Persian Empire was divided into__________________. A. City-states and provinces B. Provinces and districts. C. States and countries. D. Provinces called satrapies
Provinces called satrapies.
In the 400s B.C., the Persians tried to expand__________. A. In Europe by invading Greece B. In the east in what is now Afghanistan C. In Africa and invaded North Africa. D. In and invaded Spain.
in Europe by invading Greece
At the battle between Greeks and Persians at Thermopylae, ___________________. A. The Spartans and Athenians defeated the Persians B. The Persians won, although the Athenians fought until the end C. Spartans fought until the end, but the Persians won. D. The Persians won the battle easily.
Spartans fought until the end, but the Persiabs won.
In the battle of Salamis ________________. A. The Greeks had a larger navy and defeated the Persians. B. The Persians defeated the Greeks withbtheir faster ships C. The Persians gathered a large naval force and won the battle D. The Greeks defeated the Persian navy because they had smaller, faster ships.
The Greeks defeated the Persian navy because they had smaller, faster ships.
Which of the following statements is true? A. Greek city-states united to prevent Persia from conquering Greece. B. Persian provinces sent volunteer soldiers to fight against Greece. C. In the Persian Empire, governors of satrapies were called ephors. D. Most Persians rejected Zoroaster's teachings
Greek city-states united to prevent Persia from conquering Greece.
Ancient Sparta, mostly had this type of government througjout its history, called___________. A. An oligarchy B. A democracy C. A monarchy D. A tyranny
An oligarchy
Ancient Athens, was mostly known for this type of government, called________________, which has still influeced the West to this day. A. A monarchy B. A direct democracy C. A representative democracy. D. An oligarchy
A direct democracy
TRUE OR FALSE The Athenians and the Spartans had to work together to defeat the Persians.

TRUE OR FALSE The Persians defeated the Greeks st Marathon.


TRUE OR FALSE Around 600 B. C., a Persian religious teacher named Zotoaster began preachinh that a single god named Ahura Mazda was the creator of all things.
TRUE OR FALSE The Persian Empire had a full-time professional army; Athens had a volunteer army.