Occupational Therapy
Final Jeopardy

Dr. Skidmore’s research program examines the influences of cognitive impairments and mood symptoms on activities of daily living outcomes, and interventions designed to improve these influences, focusing in two areas: interventions designed to improve rehabilitation outcomes for individuals with cognitive impairments after acquired brain injury such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury and activities of daily living disability among community-dwelling individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Major Depression Disorder. What population does Skidmore specialize in?

Older adults


Dr. Skidmore received her Bachelor’s degree in June 1996 in Occupational Therapy at Western Michigan University. She then received her Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy in August 2001 and her Doctorate degree in Rehabilitation Science in December 2003. Which university did she receive her Master’s and Doctorate degree from?

University of Pittsburgh


What was Dr. Skidmore named as by the AOTA?

She was named one the 100 most influential people in Occupational Therapy 


Dr. Skidmore has been a part of many organizations that are related to the field such as Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association, American Occupational Therapy Association, International Neuropsychological Society, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, American Heart Association, American Society for Neurorehabilitation, American Psychological Association. What organization has she been involved in the longest and still is today?

Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association, 1999-present


Dr. Skidmore had a lot of experience in various settings. In August 1996 to April 1997, Skidmore was a Staff Therapist at Life Care Center in Fort Wayne, IN. In April 1997 to August 1999, she was a Staff Therapist at Genesis HealthCare System Zanesville, OH. In October 1999 to December 2000, Skidmore was a Senior Staff Therapist Centers at Rehab Services McKeesport, PA. In December 2000 to June 2005, she was a Clinical Consultant at UPMC Rehabilitation Hospital Pittsburgh, PA. After all of her experiences in the field, she is now what two positions at the University of Pittsburgh?

Professor and Chair of the University


Dr. Skidmore’s research focuses on cognitive impairments and mood changes after acquired brain injury, was nominated on behalf of the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research. Also, her research focuses on interventions designed to promote independence and community re-engagement after what?

Stroke and other forms of brain injury


In Dr. Skidmore’s undergraduate years, occupational therapy mentors told her she had the potential to be a scientist when she felt she never could be and was more interested in clinical practice back then. When she was pursuing her advanced practice Master’s degree, she found Joan Rogers, a professor emeritus of Occupational Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh. Rogers told Skidmore had the potential with her thinking and aptitude to be a scientist, but Skidmore did not believe them until a few years later as she started working on practice through science. In February 2016, Skidmore received the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. What was the name of the award she received from President Barack Obama in February 2016?

 U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers


Her NIH-funded work has identified innovative rehabilitation treatments that can be started within a few days after brain injury onset and are associated with significant reductions in disability in the long term. These treatments have been developed and tested within how many inpatient rehabilitation units in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Rehabilitation Institute?
