Little-Known Facts About Columbus

Who was Christopher Columbus?  Who did he work for and what was his goal?

An Italian explorer who worked for the King and Queen of Spain. His goal was to reach Asia by sailing West.


What does Columbus call the indigenous people he encountered "Indians"?

Because he believes he was in or near India.


After his third voyage, how was Columbus humiliated and returned to Spain (in 1500)?

He was arrested and returned in chains because of his misrule of the Spanish colonies on Hispaniola.


Where does Columbus help establish colonies for Spain?

In the Caribbean and modern day Central and South America.


Who was the first European explorer to reach the Americas?

Leif Eriksson


Where did Christopher Columbus "discover"? Was this where he wanted to land?

The island of Hispaniola (Caribbean Islands). No, he wanted to land in Asia (Spice Islands).


How does Columbus intend to use the indigenous peoples he meets? 

As slaves. 

Why was Columbus instructed not to stop at the colonies in Hispaniola on his final voyage?

Because he had been stripped of his rulership of the colonies and because both the indigenous and colonists despised Columbus due to his mismanagement of the colonies.


What prized resource is Columbus always looking for on his voyages?



How many voyages did Columbus make?



Who was Leif Eriksson? What was his goal and who was his father?

He was a Viking explorer and son of Erik the Red. His goal was to find fertile land to the west of Greenland.


Do the King and Queen of Spain support Columbus' plan for the indigenous peoples?

Yes, the Spanish royals support Columbus' efforts to enslave the indigenous people.


During an uprising against Columbus' rule (in 1504), what astronomical even did Columbus capitalize on in order to save his own life?

An eclipse (lunar eclipse), which made the moon appear red. He claimed this was a sign that the Christian God was angry.


To what religion does Columbus (and the Spanish royals) want to convert the indigenous he encounters in the "New World"?

Catholicism (Christianity)


During the Age of Exploration, what are the names of the Spanish monarchs (king and queen) who finance his expeditions?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.


Where did Leif Eriksson "discover"?

He found Newfoundland (Vinland) on the mainland of North America.


What does Friar Montesino (and other Dominican Priests) criticize Columbus for doing to the indigenous peoples in his colonies?

Working them to death, enslaving them and otherwise mistreating them.


Which Spanish Dominican historian writes "A Brief History of the Devastation of the Indies" and criticizes both Christopher Columbus' and his son Diego Columbus' rule over the colonies?

Bartolome de las Casas


What is the main focus of the Viking exploration? Is this achieved?

They want to settle and farm. This is not achieved in the end, as the indigenous peoples eventually repel the Viking colonizers.


During the "Age of Exploration" which small European country was leading the way in navigation?

Portugal, especially Prince Henry "the Navigator"


What land (continent) did Columbus reach during his 3rd voyage to the "New World"?

South America: specifically, Trinidad (which Columbus named for the Catholic Trinity) in Venezuela. 


What happens between the Vikings and the indigenous peoples when Leif arrives in "Vinland" (i.e. North America)?

They fight and the indigenous (called the "scraelings" by the Vikings) force the Vikings to retreat back to Greenland.


What three European countries refused to finance Columbus' voyages, before Spain finally agrees to do so?

Portugal, England & France


After the Viking settlement fails, what major resource does, largely unavailable in Greenland, do Greenlanders return to Vinland to collect from time to time?

Trees (lumber)


People have known the world was round since ancient times, but why did Columbus believe he would reach Asia so quickly by going west?

He believed the earth was much smaller.