Fantastic Beasts Found in Japan
Screw the Rules
Who Gonna Call?
Cinnamon Rolls
Zoo Rumble
These water demons are said to pull children into the rivers and drown them
What is a Kappa
What’s stopping me from summoning a bunch of monsters in one turn and wiping out my opponent's life points in one fell swoop?
What is Yugioh
They not only deliver pizza but they also fight crime
Who are the Samurai Pizza Cats
Let’s face it, he’s only half the man he used to be
Who is Marco
This animal is the Tsukamoto family’s house pet
What is a Cat
This demon fox is known to take the form of a beautiful lady to fool men
What is a Kyuubi
What’s stopping me from sending out my entire team of six and ordering them to take the gym badge from the leader?
What is Pokemon
This school club is willing to help any student in trouble
What is the SKET Dan
She just wants to have a funeral for her horribly mutilated father
Who is Chaika
This animal escaped from the zoo to find his master and ends up staying in the high school gymnasium over break
What is a Giraffe
These crow like demons were thought to have taught monks about martial arts
What is a Tengu
If the referee doesn’t say anything I’ll keep doing it. If he does say something I’ll just punch him in the face and then suplex him
What is Professional Wrestling
They’re willing to take any job because they need to pay the rent and eat lots of parfaits
What is Odd Jobs Gin-chan (Yorozuya)
He wants to protect everyone but that kind of hard to do when your company and the mafia are at odds
Who is Atsushi
This animal caused someone to trip and twist their ankle at the sports fest, he also ruined a neighborhood stewpot get-together
What is a Pig
This multi-headed demon snake was slain by the Storm God Susano’o
What is Orochi
There are only two rules, if you leaving the arena you’re out, if you get knocked out you’re out. Other than that you can shoot laser beams out of your hands or break every bone in your opponent's body and it’s perfectly legal
What is the World Martial Arts Tournament
They’ll recover anything you lost or had stolen from you with an almost 100% success rate
Who are the Get Backers
She just wants to teach her student’s English, the internet made her lewd which is bad
Who is Ellen Sensei
Akira dressed up as this animal over winter break to lure her clubmates into an embarrassing Christmas photo
What is an Emperor Penguin
These guardian animals are often found outside temples with an orb under their front paw
What is a Shi (Lion Dog)
In this show if you aren’t caught cheating then it doesn’t count. So basically just be really good at cheating at games then you have the potential to be God
What is No Game No Life
If something is broken this repair man and his magic tools can fix it for you
Who is Handy Manny
The most adorable country, I must protect her and give her ribbons for her hair
Who is Leichtenstein
This animal escaped from the zoo and took up residence in a temple, it stole Hanai’s glasses and then returned to the zoo
What is a Red Panda