** QUADRUPLE JEOPARDY! ** Which character said, "For God's sake, find me some of the old!"
Who is Dr. Jekyll and/or Mr. Hyde? Dr. Jekyll wrote this to his servants from behind his cabinet door in chapter 8 (The Last Night). He was requesting that they find more of the "old" chemical because the "new" chemical was not pure and was not performing the action he needed it to perform.
Which character said, "Did you ever remark that door? It is connected in my mind with a very odd story."
Who is Mr. Enfield? Mr. Enfield evokes Mr. Utterson's interest in the Jekyll/Hyde situation in Chapter One (The Story of the Door) by making this statement, which leads to the story of the door. This is the inciting incident (if Utterson did not hear this story, he likely would not have gotten himself involved).
"If he shall be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek" is an example of this.
What is a pun? A pun is a form of word play in which a word suggests two or more meanings. (Example: "Doctors tell us there are close to 1 million patients who are overweight. This is just a round figure, of course.") <-- In this example, "round" could have two meanings, one of which is comical. Mr. Utterson says this in chapter 2 (Search for Mr. Hyde), providing comic relief but also elucidating the symbolic meaning of Mr. Hyde's name (symbolic for the "hidden" elements of man)
The novella takes place in this city.
What is London? The first mention of this is in chapter one (Story of the Door) when Stevenson describes the street where Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield walk. Soho and Cavendish Square are areas in London.
Dr. Lanyon died soon after witnessing this.
What is the transformation of Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde? In chapter 9 (Dr. Lanyon's Narrative) we finally learn the events that led to Dr. Lanyon's intense desire to never hear of Dr. Jekyll again (which was mentioned in chapter 6 - The Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon).
** QUADRUPLE JEOPARDY ** Maw (Messers. Maw)
What is the chemist firm that supplies Dr. Jekyll's drugs. In chapter 8 (The Last Night), Dr. Jekyll sends his servants to Messers. Maw. He requests that Maw search for some of "the old" chemical because the new chemical is "not pure."
** TRIPLE JEOPARDY ** Which character said, "...the worst of my faults was a certain impatient gaiety fo disposition, such as has made the happiness of many, but such as I found it hard to reconcile with my imperious desire to carry my head high and wear a more than commonly grave countenance before the public. Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures..."
Who is Dr. Jekyll? Dr. Jekyll writes this in chapter 10 (Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case) to explain the reason he began the experiment with the formula that transformed him to Mr. Hyde.

** DOUBLE JEOPARDY ** This quote is an example of a theme in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; "man is not truly one, but truly two." 

What is duality? 

This room had a red cloth over the door and contained a large mirror, a desk, and a fireplace. It was at the top of a stairway.
What is Dr. Jekyll's cabinet? Dr. Jekyll had the mirror moved to his cabinet after he realized that his appearance changed when he transformed to Mr. Hyde (see Chapter 10).
** DOUBLE JEOPARDY ** Do not answer in question form. Why did Dr. Jekyll decide to create Mr. Hyde in the first place?
Dr. Jekyll wanted to enjoy his pleasures without risking his reputation. (Chapter 10 - Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case).
This character said, "I wish to see or hear no more of Dr. Jekyll. I am quite done with that person, and I beg that you will spare me any allusion to one whom I regard as dead."
Who is Dr. Lanyon? Dr. Lanyon said this in chapter 6 (The Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon) after he learned that Dr. Jekyll was Mr. Hyde (revealed in his narrative in chapter 9).
** DOUBLE JEOPARDY! ** Which character said, "We have come too late, whether to save or to punish. Hyde is gone to his account, and it only remains for us to find the body of your master."
Who is Mr. Utterson? Mr. Utterson says this in chapter 9 (The Last Night) after he and Poole discover the dead body of Mr. Hyde behind the cabinet door.

This can be divided into Mythical, Biblical, and Cultural/Historical categories.

What is an allusion?

** DOUBLE JEOPARDY ** The time period in which this story takes place.
What is the Victorian Era (the late 1800s)? This story was first published in 1886. Stevenson wrote it as a message to the citizens of the Victorian Era.
TRUE OR FALSE (Do not answer in question form) Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon have very similar scientific views.
FALSE. Dr. Jekyll believes in transcendental medicine (chapter 10). Dr. Lanyon is a realist. Their scientific disagreements were damaging to their friendship (as revealed in chapter 2).
This character said, "[T]here's a rather singular resemblance. The two hands are in many points identical, only differently sloped."
Who is Mr. Guest? Mr. Guest said this in chapter 5 (The Incident of the Letter) when he compared the letter from Mr. Hyde to the invitation from Dr. Jekyll.

Which character said, "Ah! He is in trouble! What has he done?"

Who is the housekeeper? In chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case), Inspector Newcomen and Mr. Utterson visit Mr. Hyde's house. The housekeeper answers the door and seems pleased to learn that Hyde is in trouble.


"... could have estranged Damon and Pythias..." is an example of this type of allusion.

What is a mythological allusion? A mythological allusion is a reference to Greek or Roman mythology.

Cavendish Square.
What is the home of Dr. Lanyon? What is the location Dr. Jekyll asked Dr. Lanyon to bring the drawer and its contents? Cavendish Square is first mentioned as the home of Dr. Lanyon in chapter 2 (Search for Mr. Hyde). It is again mentioned as Lanyon's home in chapter 9 (Dr. Lanyon's Narrative) when Dr. Lanyon shares Dr. Jekyll's letter.
These items were found in Mr. Hyde's house when it was being inspected after the murder.
What is the burned check book and the cane? Chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case).
This character said, "Will Hyde die upon the scaffold? Or will he find the courage to release himself at the last moment? God knows; I am careless."
Who is Dr. Jekyll? Dr. Jekyll said this in Chapter 10 (Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case). It was written in a letter to Utterson explaining the details of the dual personality situation.

The inspector who investigated the murder of Sir Danvers Carew.

Who is Inspector Newcomen? In chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case), Inspector Newcomen works with Mr. Utterson to learn more about Mr. Hyde's involvement in the murder.


The message the audience can learn from this book: All people contain a good and bad side. The more a person allows his or her good side to show, the better that person will be. The more a person allows his or her bad side to show, the worse that person will be.

What is the theme?


Mr. Hyde lives here.

What is Soho? It is revealed in chapter 2 (Search for Mr. Hyde) that Hyde lives in Soho. Soho is later described in chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case) as a dark, dreary place. The location of Hyde's residence is again mentioned in chapter 10 (Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case) when Jekyll discusses the problems with the experiment.

The last two chapters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are written in this point of view.
What is 1st person? Chapter 9 is written in Dr. Lanyon's point of view. Chapter 10 is written in Dr. Jekyll's point of view.