Dr. Lanyon died soon after witnessing this.
What is the transformation of Mr. Hyde into Dr. Jekyll? In chapter 9 (Dr. Lanyon's Narrative) we finally learn the events that led to Dr. Lanyon's intense desire to never hear of Dr. Jekyll again (which was mentioned in chapter 6 - The Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon).
** DOUBLE JEOPARDY ** This quote is an example of a theme in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; "man is not truly one, but truly two."
What is duality?
This can be divided into Mythical, Biblical, and Cultural/Historical categories.
What is an allusion?
Which character said, "Ah! He is in trouble! What has he done?"
Who is the housekeeper? In chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case), Inspector Newcomen and Mr. Utterson visit Mr. Hyde's house. The housekeeper answers the door and seems pleased to learn that Hyde is in trouble.
"... could have estranged Damon and Pythias..." is an example of this type of allusion.
What is a mythological allusion? A mythological allusion is a reference to Greek or Roman mythology.
The inspector who investigated the murder of Sir Danvers Carew.
Who is Inspector Newcomen? In chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case), Inspector Newcomen works with Mr. Utterson to learn more about Mr. Hyde's involvement in the murder.
The message the audience can learn from this book: All people contain a good and bad side. The more a person allows his or her good side to show, the better that person will be. The more a person allows his or her bad side to show, the worse that person will be.
What is the theme?
Mr. Hyde lives here.
What is Soho? It is revealed in chapter 2 (Search for Mr. Hyde) that Hyde lives in Soho. Soho is later described in chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case) as a dark, dreary place. The location of Hyde's residence is again mentioned in chapter 10 (Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case) when Jekyll discusses the problems with the experiment.