Philosophies on the Purpose of Education
Theories on Human Learning
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Dr. Kim is cool but also...

This philosophy prioritizes "essential" information or basic skills that all students should know that will allow them to be successful both socially and economically.  

What is essentialism?


This learning theory emphasizes the role of observable behaviors, rewards, and punishments in shaping learning.

What is behaviorism?

This guiding principle reminds us that we have an obligation as teachers to never stop learning.

What is learners first, teachers second.


This was the most popular snack in the class.

What is fruit?


This educational philosophy believes that education should prioritize teaching principles and critical thinking over facts.  It often utilizes the works of thinkers and writers whose influence has lasted over centuries.

What is perennialism?


This theory acknowledges the influence of social norms, values, and cultural practices on learning experiences. It also emphasizes the importance of the Zone of Proximal Development. 

What is Sociocultural Learning Theory?


This guiding principle reinforces and expands the circle of "us"to include more and more people.

What is include and transcend?


Dr. Kim will often pause reading discussions to remind groups where there is consensus on a topic to do this.

What is offer a reasonable argument that could be made by the other side?


This philosophy emphasizes project-based learning, problem-posing, and dialogues to challenge students to think critically about societal issues and explore potential solutions.

What is social reconstructionism?


This theory emphasizes the influence of social context, observational learning, and reciprocal determinism on behavior.

What is Social Cognitive Theory?


This story told on day 1 of class pushes us to transcend binary thinking and invite nuance wherever possible.

What is the Story of the Chinese Farmer?


This classmate goes by Jesse, but also may be called this nickname.

What is JJ?


This orientation values flexible classroom environments with opportunities for student choice, independent learning, and differentiation based on individual needs.

What is progressivism?


Effective learners are able to monitor their own understanding, identify gaps in their knowledge, and adjust their learning strategies accordingly based on this learning theory.

What is metacognition?


The latin root for education, educere, means this.

To lead out


If this classmate were a gif, they would be Kirby.

Who is Leslie?


While they may differ in practice, these two philosophies encourage students to develop strong critical thinking skills, fostering a willingness to question assumptions, analyze complex issues, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

What are perennialism and social reconstructionism?


This approach views learners as active participants who make meaning from their experiences and interactions with the environment.

What is constructivism?


This author challenges dominant narratives that focus on the deficits of urban schools by presenting stories of success.  

Who is Shaun Harper?


Mayer's definition of learning is this.

What is 

(1) a change 

(2) in what the learner knows 

(3) caused by the learner’s experience