ABC's of Mental Disorders
Communicable Diseases
Dating and Relationships
Mental and Emotional Health
Joe used to love to play soccer but lately he hasn't been feeling it, he doesn't find practice to be as fun as it used to. He has lost interest in keeping in touch with his best friend Abe and he stays awake all night but sleeps all day. Joe always seems to be tearful and sad, lately he's been cutting his wrist because he finds it as a pain reliever.
What is Depression?
One day Ken went camping and swam in an poorly sanitized lake. After a couple of months he started experiencing severe muscle aches and weakness, he has also noticed that his legs have become lose and floppy, he looked it up online and and discovered he's developed paralysis.
What is Paralytic Polio?
Fin has been feeling thirsty and fatigued lately after running track during the summer, He usually develops a mild headache, eventually this makes him really grumpy. He's fainted a couple of times at practice. What is is he lacking?
What is Water?
Jeremy posted a picture on twitter of Ashley's nudes. Funny thing is Ashley never sent him nudes, they're photo shopped. What kind of abuse is this?
What is Sexual Abuse p.s. A person found guilty of first degree sexual abuse in D.C. can be fined up to $250,000 and sentenced to up to 30 years imprisonment.
Signals that tell your mind and body how to act.
What is Emotions?
Anna refuses to leave her home, but when she does she gets butterflies in her stomach and her palms become sweaty and shaky. She avoids using the elevator so she doesn't have to talk to people. Her thoughts usually start with "what if...". She often feels hopeless and can't stay on task. Social situations make her panic.
What is Anxiety Disorder?
Claire has been making out with Tommy lately and now she feels dehydrated and feverish. Her muscles ache and and she has been coughing abnormally.
What is Influenza?
Rati's bones have been feeling very weak lately. She has anemia because her body can’t make the hemoglobin it requires to carry energy-sustaining oxygen to every tissue thus causing her to feel tired. Her muscles are not functioning properly, ad her teeth feel like they are going to fall off. what does Rati lack?
What is Minerals?
Zoe's fiance has been abusing her lately and she has had enough of it, but doesn't know exactly how to break up with him because he becomes quite dangerous when upset. What should Zoe do?
What is meeting at a public place and being stern and clear you are breaking up with them and why and end all further contact?
Mental process that protect individuals from strong stressful emotions and situations.
What is Defense Mechanism?
Yolanda wants to be a model when she grows up, but when she looks at the magazines she realizes she looks nothing like them, so she goes on a diet. Once she goes on a diet all she can think about is food. On the weekends she goes to CVS and buys junk food, locks herself in her bathroom and binge eats. When shes done she purges herself.
What is Bulimia?
A couple of weeks ago Newman was on the plane sitting next to this guy who was constantly coughing on him. Well into his business trip he started coughing too... blood. He started excessively sweating and has lost a tremendous amount of weight.
What is Tuberculosis?
The level of sugar in Lola's blood has dropped below the normal range (70-99 mg/dL), causing her to contract hypoglycemia. Now her body is starting to burn fat for energy, leading to ketosis. She's often hungry, dizzy, and confused. What is Lola lacking in?
What is Carbohydrates?
Britney's girlfriend Emma had beaten her up so badly that he got checked into the hospital. After coming home, Britney has threatened to leave her girlfriend, but ever since then Emma has been buying Britney flowers, telling her she loves her, and convincing Britney she only beat her up because she got her mad.
What is Phase 3 Honeymoon?
gives examples of ways to manage stress.
What is Hobbies, Sports, relaxation, etc?
Persistent thoughts, fears, or urges leading to uncontrollable repetitive behaviour.
What is Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Katy has been taking care of Ms.Gardener at the retirement home. She has has had person to person contact with the elderly women for two weeks now, and just last week Ms.Gardener coughed and sneezed on her. Now Katy is starting to sneeze and cough. she has also been experiencing fatigue and a runny nose.
What is Pertussis?
Keke's body system isn't building or repairing tissues in her body. She hasn't been eating so she lacks amino acids, which the body cannot create. what is she Lacking?
What is Protein?
Kobe figured out his girlfriend's password to all her accounts, he logged into them altered her account and her profile, he's also been posing as her when talking to her friends causing her to lose them and forcing her to only hang out with Kobe.
What is Emotional Abuse?
can you name three out of five of Maslow's hierarchy of Needs?
What is self actualization, Achievement, Belonging, Safety, physiological?
Mary has heard voices all around her. She just sits in her house waiting for whoever is plotting against her to appear. Besides listening to these unseen people. Anytime one of her relatives comes to visit and tell her to get help she accuses them of working for whoever she’s hearing.She believes that her friend showing up is just a coincidence to get her to let her guard down. She is completely unaware of her mental disorder.
What is schizophrenia?
Peyton recently went to Florida for vacation and while she was there she had a few hookups. When she came back home she started feeling feverish and fatigued. She had red eyes, rashes all over her body and joint pain. She thinks she has HIV but she is a bit skeptical.
What is Zika?
Johny has both decay and gum disease and is also developing mouth sores. His body isn't growing or developing normally. he is also more vulnerable to diseases because he lacks in this...
What is Vitamins?
Louis's girlfriend kicks, pinches and slaps him across the face. When she gets mad she throws whatever object near her towards Louis. She threatens to hurt his cousin because she thinks he is romantically involved with her. What phase of dating abuse is this?
What is Phase 2 Explosion?
Abby loves to where diapers and loves it when her husband feeds her. She also enjoys sleeping in a crib filled with teddy bears. Her favorite pass time is playing on the playground despite the fact she is 28. What type of defense mechanism is this
What is regression?