Put A Grade On It
Genres & Article Types
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Client Combat
How should articles be submitted to the production team the day they are received?
All articles must be submitted to and uploaded to the FTP.
After filling out the text commission Napoleon with as much detail as possible, a journalist writes a news article discussing subject matter relating to one of your editorial sections and touching on general themes relevant to your client. Your client's ads align with this article in print and online. What letter grade is this article?
Grade A+
What are four genres?
Inspiration, insight, industry perspective, news.
Why is it important that our content be held to high-quality standards?
To maintain the trust of our readers and partners while we present our clients in the most advantageous way, serving as a solution option within the industry.
Your client is a primary source within one of your articles. They've suggested they have great photos to accompany the article. How do you respond?
Send them along! I can't promise they will be used, but I'll have my production team review, but they must be unbranded and hi-res (at least 300 dpi and 10 x 10).
If a biased or pluggy article is submitted, what happens?
The article will be edited internally as stated in the Content Submission Document and PM will manage expectations with the client/partner, reminding them of these guidelines which they have already reviewed.
You just closed Blue Buffalo who is promoting their new grain-free line of dog food. You pitched them on an article idea discussing this growing trend in the pet nutrition niche, which would feature them as the primary source within the article alongside a leading dog nutritionist and ASPCA executive serving as two additional sources who will also be quoted/referred to in the article. What grade is this article?
Grade A
What is the minimum word count for an article to be hosted online?
250 words.
All articles (unless written by a journalist) must be completed how?
In the content submission document.
You're in talks to close a previous partner who is puzzled as to why you're not offering them a half page of editorial along with the full page ad you're pitched them on. How do you handle this?
Let them know our content standards have changes to ensure high-quality and engaging content. Send them over the content submission document for reference and discuss possible collaboration on a Grade A article.
What is the equation used to determine when content is due?
One week before your last sales date.
If an association or non-profit association partner writes an article (Grade B), discussing subject matter relevant to the campaign, what are two things that cannot be present within the article?
1. The article cannot plug any specific products or initiatives. 2. The article cannot be biased in relation to the subject matter.
Inspiration articles (including cover stories) must be written in what format?
Story format (not Q&A format).
Who cannot author a client/non-profit/association written article?
A member of the communications department, PR or marketing department affiliated with the client/partner.
One of your panel of experts answers directly plugs a client's product. How do you proceed?
Sean will edit this bit out and you will manage expectations with the client, reminding them of the content standards you previously went over together.
By what week should you have a confirmed cover story with hi-res photos?
By the end of week 5. Obtaining photos for this story is crucial and should be discussed on the very first phone call being contingent upon participation.
Your client is writing an article, discussing subject matter relevant to your campaign. They understand it cannot plug client specific products/services/initiatives and must be unbiased and objective in relation to the subject matter. How will the article appear in print and online?
The article is marked "Sponsored By [Client Name]"
What are two types of articles that must be written by a journalist?
Inspiration and news articles.
You confirm a major association to write your forward over the phone. What is the next step to take with them?
Write them a follow up email, including bullet points of what you want them to cover and a deadline.
You have a client who is 50 percent to close. However, they are showing interest in contributing pluggy content about their new technology. How do you proceed without jeopardizing the sale?
You put on your consultant hat and inform the potential client that it is in their best interest to not plug specific products/services/initiatives as readers cannot be fooled by this type of content and will immediately be disengaged and distrust their brand. You then suggest commissioning one of our journalists to interview them on the theme they are most excited about, to present readers with this subject matter in an unbiased format.
You just received one of your journalist written articles. Shortly after, you receive an email from your client requesting to review and approve the article. What do you do?
You kindly reply informing them that review and approval of journalist written content is not permitted, but if there are specific concerns (i.e. factual information) they would like for you to check on in the article, you're happy to do so and confirm with them thereafter. *Allowing clients/partners to review, change and approve our content opens the flood gates creating a constant current of further style issues you will need to combat and discounts our creative freedom and expertise.
If a client or editorial partner submits an article that is biased or pluggy and refuses to allow Mediaplanet to edit it, what happens?
We will not publish the article in print or digital platforms. We cannot deliver readers to this type of article and do not want to give our future clients the wrong impression on our standards.
If you are working on a 12 page campaign, you are limited to how many Q&A formatted articles?
What document should you be editing and changing on a weekly basis, based on your campaign progress?
Your editorial tracker. Even if not confirmed, this is a great place to note your article ideas to help you organize your thoughts for a successful pitch.
You've accidentally shared a screenshot of the campaign while in production. Your client suggests changing the photo accompanying the article. This situation quickly escalates and they are now threatening to not pay. How do you earn their trust back without compromising Mediaplanet's creative control?
You don't panic. What your client needs to hear is that you believe in your product and that they are smart to trust you and the photo choice that has been made during production. You remind them of the shared goal: obtaining quality readers to drive brand awareness and overall engagement. Most people respond well to confidence—loop in the CPM and LD for added support in explaining the creative process.