Dracoverse Vocab
General Lore
Odd Traits
Alternate Universes
Lore Connections In The Real World

This is the most common word for a corrupt ruler of a character's family (commonly a parent)

What is a Tyrant?


Siblings who treat a character poorly are under this moral alignment row.

What is Evil?


This is the most common ability that the main cast shares.

What is Contortion?


In this AU, the crew are converted into chemicals, germs, and bacteria that live within the human body

What is A New Diagnosis?


All the main cast share many traits with their real world counterparts which includes this trait unless they are already from a fictional universe.

What is their name?


This is the term used when the characters are animals with human characteristics

What is Anthropomorphic/Anthropomorphism?


The world of The Dracoverse operates in this format.

What is a Multidimensional Universe/Multiverse?


When the characters were out in public during the events of 'The Suits of Antiheroism', None of their costumes had this aspect.

What is a cape?


In this AU, the Dracoverse enters the world of TADC

What is Clowns in The Circus?


Along with [SAME CATEGORY FOR 100], a lot of Dracoverse characters share this physical trait with their IRL counterparts

What is Eye Color?


This is the term for the most common animal species for the characters within universes.

What is a Mammal?


This is the most common type of couple in the Dracoverse.

What are LGBTQ+ couples?


Most of the main cast have an ability that classifies them as this entity

What is an Empath?


In this AU, The main cast along with others are put into a deadly killing game where they have to kill to escape.

What is Danganronpa: Northside Despair District?


When animations get put in the works, around 95% of the characters will have their real world counterparts as this role.

What is a Voice Actor?


The ship name 'Jadeflower' would be considered this kind of word in the english language

What is a Portmantaeu?


This is the formula used to set heights for each character across universes.

What is the 2 Foot Formula?


Anderson Mayflower's flirty personality is based off of this Disney character.

Who is Jessica Rabbit?


In this AU, Phoebe is no longer a human or an animal but an aquatic mythical creature that lives in a sanctuary constructed by her stepdad.

What is the Siren AU?


In the Dracoverse, There was an event in the timeline called 'The Jadez-Mayflower Tragedy' where Catrinita and Anderson were isloated from each other. The event has this as the real world counterpart.

What is The Barbie Movie Incident/The In-Person Communication Ban of July 2023?


This is the most common spectrum term to describe characters that fumble but not in a way that classifies them under the 'Adorkable' trope.

What is The Terminal Stupidity Spectrum?


This is the most common way that the antagonists tend to go out.

What is Grueusome Disney-Style Death?


In [ALTERNATE UNIVERSES FOR 300], The cast shares traits with these kinds of characters.

What are Existing Danganronpa Characters?


In this AU, The Dracoverse characters enter the world of Ducktales 2017

What is Clowns In Duckburg?


In the Dracoverse, Multiple states within the US use this to determine if a parent if financially abusive to their child/children

What is the Major Milestone Test?