Goku's saiyan name
The inventor of the Kamehameha
Who is Master Roshi?
Frieza's Brother
Who is Cooler?
This form of Frieza kills Krillin
What is Second Form Frieza?
Shenron cannot grant this wish twice
What is bring someone back to life?
Who is Paragus?
The attack used by Vegeta on Android 19
What is Big Bang Attack?
Ginyu Force members names (all).
Who is Ginyu, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and Recoome?
This form was created when Buu was defeated by his evil half
What is Super Buu?
Frieza's wish on namek
What is immortality?
Chi-Chi's father
Who is the Ox-King?
An attack that was passed onto Krillin when Goku was unable to unleash it
What is Spirit Bomb?
Frieza's Henchmen that was defeated by Vegeta on Planet Namek (DJ!!!!)
Who is Appule?
This form is unique to Gohan
Goku's wish to kingkai on Namek
What is bring everyone to earth but him and frieza?
Vegeta's brother's name (DJ!!!)
Who is Tarble?
Attack used to kill Vegeta in the Namek Saga
What is Death Beam?
The original master of Majin Buu
Who is Bibidi?
Cell absorbing Android 17
What is Semi-perfect Cell?
Dende's second wish in the buu saga
What is wished for everyone who had died since the day of the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament to be revived, except for those who were evil?
Android 17 or Android 18's real names
Who is Lapis / Lazuli?
Guldo's Signature technique
What is Time Freeze/Stop?
Frieza's ancient ancestor
Who is Chilled?
This form was used to free themselves from being locked in the hyperbolic time chamber
What is Super Saiyan three?
Wishes for Frieza's resurrection
Who is Sorbet?