What is Goku's actual name?
Who is kakarot?
who is Zeno's friend
Who is Goku?
Is Vegeta a planet?
What is Yes?
What is different about the dragon balls
What is Black?
What movie is beast Gohan in?
What is Super Hero?
What does Frieza call Saiyan's?
What is Monkeys?
How many universes are there in the past
What is 18?
Who did goku kill first?
Who is King Piccolo?
What was a new transformation?
What is SSJ4?
Why didn't Lord Beerus come to collect the last dragon ball before the Frieza force did?
What is there was nothing to eat?
What is Vegeta's kids name?
Who is Trunks?
What form did goku use to fight Beerus for the first time?
What is SS3?
Krillin trained under?
Who is Master Roshi?
Pan's tears cause Goku to turn SS4 True or False?
What is True?
What was the first movie to include Broly?
What is Dragon Ball Z Broly?
What is the reason that Goku went Super Saiyan?
What is Frieza Killed Krillin?
What episode did Cabba turn Super Saiyan in?
What is Episode 37?
What body part did goku use to go fishing as a kid?
What is a tail?
What is Baby?
what is a Tuffle?
Who was Vegeta's brother?
Who is Tarble?
Is Tien a Saiyan?
What is three-eyed human race?
How tall is Frieza?
What is 5'2?
This wise-cracking little pig-creature can shapeshift what is his name?
Who is Oolong?
What is Goku's Kamehameha called as a SS4?
What is Kamehameha x10
What is Android 1 and 2's nickname?
who is Gamma 1 and Gamma 2?