This character served as Goku's rival in the otherworld after he had sacrificed himself(and King Kai) for Cell. Despite having green skin he's not a racist.
Who is Pikkon?
Frieza, Cell, Buu, Broly
Who is Broly?
Main arc Dragon Ball Z villains
This fan work, arguably one of the most popular anime fan works, was created by Team Four Star in which they dub over Dragon Ball Z, adding in their own jokes and references all throughout.
What is Dragon Ball Z Abridged?
What is Mustard?
Who is Tien?
Goku Black isn't the only case of identity theft in Dragon Ball Super, as this goo like substance ended taking on the form of Vegeta after their encouter.
What is Copy/Duplicate/Fake Vegeta?
Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Pikkon
Who is Vegeta?
Characters that have defeated Frieza?
This fan manga has existed in multiple incarnations, including one drawn by Toyotarou who would go on to work on the official Dragon Ball manga starting with Super, and introduced the fan concept of SSJ5.
What is Dragon Ball AF?
What is Tamago/Egg?
Who is Bulma?
This character was Krillin's girfriend thoughout the events of the Garlic Jr saga, before Krillin breaks it off with her and she very quickly leaves for another man who offers her ice cream.
Who is Maron?
Dr. Gero, Dr. Flappe, Dr. Hedo, Dr. Myuu
Who is Dr. Myuu?
What are Red Ribbon scientists who've made Androids?
This fan manga as its name implies involves other timelines of the Dragon Ball universe partaking in a sort of multiversal tournament.
What is Dragon Ball Multiverse?
What is a Capybara?
Who is Baby Vegeta?
This character is encoutered by Goku along his path on Snake Way, in which she offered him food in order to lure him into getting eaten.
Who is Princess Snake?
Uub, Baby, Super 17, Omega Shenron
Who is Super 17?
GT characters playable in Sparking Zero.
This fan manga became very infamous and ridiculed by the fanbase especially after a panel of Gohan pleading for Cell not to kill Pan and Videl started circulating.
What is Dragon Ball Rage?
What is Demi-glace?
Who is Lord Slug?
This character is encountered by Goku in OG DB in which he attempts to convince her to put out the flames around her Fire Mountain, which leads to a bout between the two.
Who is Annin?
Ginyu, Zamasu, Dr.Wheelo, Baby
Who is Baby?
Character whose plan was to inhabit Goku's body.
This what if fan work became a meme in the Dragon Ball community that people point to whenever the subject of making fun of Dragon Ball What If youtubers comes up.
What is What if Goku was Betrayed and Locked in the Time Chamber?
What is Je N'aime Pas?
Who is Ribrianne?