What is the name of the android created by Dr. Gero?
Answer: C. Android 18
How do you feel right now?
Why do you think that you feel this way?
What is the name of Goku’s wife?
Answer: B. Chi Chi
How might you feel if you receive a surprise gift from a friend?
Happy - Excited - Grateful
What do you do to feel relaxed?
When did you last feel very relaxed and comfortable?
Which race does Piccolo belong to?
Answer: C. Namekian
What is one of your happiest memories?
What kinds of things make you feel happy?
A wounded Z fighter would restore full health by using which item?
Answer: B. Senzu bean
How might you feel if you lose a competition or game?
Sad - Disappointed - Frustrated
When was the last time that you were surprised?
What made you feel surprised?
What is the name of Vegeta and Bulma’s daughter?
Answer: B. Bra
What do you usually do when you are feeling bored?
What things do you find boring?
Who is the prince of all Saiyans?
Answer: B. Vegeta
How might you feel if you have to speak in front of a large group?
Nervous - Excited - Anxious
How do you feel on cold winter days?
What about the opposite? How do you feel on a hot day in summer?
Which Dragon Ball Z character has the ability to regenerate lost body parts?
Answer: B. Piccolo
Do you often feel stressed?
What types of things do you worry about?
What is the name of the fusion between Goku and Vegeta?
Answer: B. Vegito
How might you feel if you receive unexpected bad news? Or can't get something you want?
Sad - Upset - Angry
Would you say that you are able to manage your emotions well?
Why or why not?
Which Dragon Ball Z villain can transform into a giant ape during a full moon?
Answer: C. Vegeta
What was the last exciting thing that you did?
Where and with whom did you do it?
Who is the God of Destruction for Universe 7?
Answer: B. Beerus
How might you feel when you listen to your favourite song?
Joyful - Happy - Excited
What do you think are some good ways to learn to control your emotions and feelings?
Can we create a list of at least 5?