This is what should be heard as students enter the room.
Without these two things, Drama classes can be the most difficult class for some people
Self-Discipline and self- control
The first people to mime were
This is the very first part of the warm up that helps with focus and professionalism
Seven seconds of stillness and silence
This is Ms. S favorite number
The place your bookbags go at the beginning of class.
On the back of your chair
In drama, you work in groups to complete these two things.
activities and projects
Two benefits rom studying pantomime
confidence and stage techniques
There are this many parts to the warm up
This is Ms. S married last name
You write these three things down at the start of class
Heading, Objective, Word of the Day
This is where self-discipline comes from
within yourself
What makes pantomime believable
realistic body movements and facial expressions
Practicing the syllables "He-Ha-Ho-Hu" stretches what muscle in our bodies
I have this many chidren
These two things should be given after someone reads the objective and word of the day
Affirming and adjusting feedback
Artists need these three things to be good at what they do
Hard work, dedication, and comittment
Three basic parts of a pantomime are
Beginning, middle, and end
"The lips, the teeth, etc." is in which part of the warm up
Ms. Stewart has been teaching for this many years
This should happen when the timer goes off after writing down the objective and WOD
Hands should be raised to read them.
This is the ability to use self control within a group
Artistic Discipline
At the beginning of the unit, Ms. S mimed a scene about
Her morning routine
This is the horse that won the race
Both one-one and two-two
These are the names of Ms. S children
Erin, Josh, Autumn