The most popular musical theatre stage
Where is Broadway
What is Improvisation
The movie that came out in 2024 featuring Ariana Grande
What is Wicked?
The game where you try to make the other person leave
What is Bus Stop
York House drama teacher's first and last name
Who is Kiera Louis
The most popular musical composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda
What is Hamilton
The term blocking
What is rejecting an offer
The character Renee Rapp played in mean girls
Who is Regina George
The response to the Whoosh move "I'm a crab"
What is "Pinchy pinchy"
Three most recent shows York House has done
What are Mama Mia, The Day the Internet Died, and Matilda
The inspiration for the musical Six
Who are Henry XIII's ex wives
The improv competition York House competes in
What is Canadian Improv Games
The film featuring Judy Garland that came out in 1939
What is The Wizard of Oz
The creepy cult chanting game about an animal
What is Bunny Bunny
The 2024/25 drama heads
Who are Parker, Nicole, and Kai
The musical that the song The Music of the Night is from
What is The Phantom of the Opera
The rules of the game Freeze
What is two people do a scene and someone yells Freeze
The actress for Jo in the 2019 version of Little Women
Who is Saoirse Ronan
An alternative name for the game "change places if"
What is "the west wind blows if" (or some variation)
The one act play that the senior drama class performed last year
What is The Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon
The year the musical Chicago premiered
When is 1975
What is who they are, where they are, what they're doing
The year that Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out
When is 1986
The three actions in the milk game
What are "milk the milk", "wash the milk", and "drink the milk"
The inspiration behind the whoosh move "Jaws - it's a robot!"
Who is Lucy Kenny