The word "drama" comes from this Greek verb
What is "to act?"
Age range of the participants in the study
What is 70-90
A type of drama therapy uses sounds and harmonies to invoke memories and expression
What is musical activities?
Leader needed what skills to conduct the therapy session
What is active listening, empathy, creativity, etc.?
Leads a group therapy session
Who is therapist/counselor?
Definition of drama therapy
What is a form of expressive therapy that includes visual art, dance and movement therapy, music therapy, and bibliotherapy (storytelling).?
Personal mythology that combines facts from a person's life with their personal interpretation, personality, and culture
What is life story?
Technique used in drama therapy that involves acting out roles, characters, or situations
What is role-playing?
Key responsibilities of the leader
What is facilitating, creating safe space, etc.?
Common/important rule in group therapy sessions
What is confidentiality?
Drama therapy impact on individuals
What is perspective change, emotional expression, inclusivity?
Older adults report experiencing changes to...
What is physical, cognitive, psychological changes?
Benefit from group sessions
What is socially engaged/new connections?
The therapist's way of handling different levels of cognitive and physical abilities
What is being flexible and having inclusive approaches
Term for a group member noticing another is struggling with the same problem
What is universality?
Goal of drama therapy
What is explore cognitive and emotional growth in individuals?
Impact of drama therapy for the older participants
What is found that it lead to enhanced well-being and positive outlook of aging?
Limitations to the study and drama therapy approach
What is sample size, self reporting bias, etc.
Role of the drama therapist
What is creating a safe and supportive environment?
Developed the concept of "group cohesiveness" as the key factor in group therapy
Who is Yalom?