True or False
Twelfth Night

Is Ratatouille, a movie involving a rat who cooks in the kitchen of a fancy restaurant, an ironic movie?

Yes, most people find the idea of a rat in a kitchen a bit gross.


True or False:

 Dramatic Irony is when a character says one thing but means the opposite.



Explain how this image represents dramatic irony.

The man is being told to take another step and we can see that it is off a cliff but since he's blindfolfed, he doesn't know that.


Describe how the situation between Malvolio and Sir Topas (Fool) was a dramatic irony.

The audience knew that Sir Topas was actually Feste, but Malvolio did not.


In Snow White, a wicked stepmother curses an apple and disguises herself as she offers it to Snow White, who bites into the apple and falls into a deep sleep. What type of irony is this.

This is dramatic irony. The audience knows the apple is poisoned, but the audience doesn't.


True or False: 

Alfred Hitchcock used dramatic irony for suspense.



In a scary movie, a girl locks herself in a room to hide from a killer. However, the girl does not know the killer is in the room. Explain how this is dramatic irony.

The audience knows that the killer is there, but the girl does not, yet.


When Antonio saw Sebastian for the second time, he asked for help, even though it was actually Cesario who he saw. Is this dramatic irony.

Yes, the audience knows it was Cesario but Antonio did not.


Hercules does not drink every drop of the magic potion. Only the sidekicks and the audience know. Explain how this is a case of dramatic irony.

This is a case of dramatic irony because Hades does not know, causing him to underestimate Hercules.


True or False: 

Dramatic irony often contradicts itself and uses sarcasm.



Ted thinks that the police have arrested him for picking up a hitchhiker. However, the police are actually interrogating him about a murder. Explain how this is dramatic irony.

The audience is aware of the police planning this but Ted is not.


Is the following an example of dramatic irony: Sebastian and Viola are both in Illyria but neither know that the other is alive.



In the movie Frozen, Elsa's powers are hard to control and cause her to avoid her sister Anna in order to protect her. However, Anna doesn't know that Elsa has powers, thinking that she's just cold and shutting her out. Is this an example of dramatic irony?

Yes. The audience is aware that Elsa is just trying to protect Anna, even though she thinks that her sister is shutting her out.


True or False: 

Is this an example of dramatic irony?



There is a son who is adopted but his father has not yet told him that he is adopted. Explain how this is dramatic irony.

The father knows he is adopted but the son himself does not.


Sir Toby and Sir Andrew decide to prank Malvolio by having Maria write letters saying she loves him but pretending to be Lady Olivia. After reading the letters, Malvolio confronts Olivia, taking advice that was given in them. This is an example of:

a) Situational Irony

b) Foreshadowing

c) Dramatic Irony

d) Suspense

c) Dramatic Irony


Name a dramatic irony in the movie Toy Story.

Answers Vary.


True or False: 

This is dramatic irony.

False. It is verbal irony.


Explain what type of irony this is and why.

This is dramatic irony because the audience knows that Juliet is asleep but the lady saying that she's dead does not.


Explain how this is verbal irony: Cesario is a woman named Viola who is dressed up as a man, but Lady Olivia falls in love with him.

It's not verbal irony, it's dramatic.