
Lyddie, Luke, Triphena and Charlie or all considered what?

What are characters, cast? 


The person who is in charge of all of the decisions of a play, film, or show is called a what? 

Who is the director? 


The first part of a play is called this. It contains several scenes. 

What is an act? 


It is important to do what after you have written your first draft? 

What is reread and revise? 

Lyddie's mind is like a trap, locking in on anything which will lead her to independence. 

What is a simile? 


What lyrics does Lyddie hear over and over in her head? 

"Oh! I cannot be a slave, I will not be a slave" 

The person responsible for making sure everyone is wearing appropriate clothing for the show is called this. 

What is a costume designer? 


Lines that actors speak while on stage together is called this. 

What is dialogue? 


An introduction needs these three things to be successful. 

A general hook, a specific reference to the authors and titles discussed, and a strong thesis. 


"Tiger, tiger, burning bright, 

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry."

Name three figurative techniques found in this poem.

What is rhyme, repetition, alliteration, symbolism, personification, hyperbole, (I could go on)...


What happens to Lyddie in chapter 13 that makes Diana call up her friend, Dr. Craven? 

Lyddie gets hit in the head with a shuttle, knocking her down and causing a great loss of blood. 


The person responsible for the lights in the play is called this. 

Who is the lighting designer? 


A person standing on stage alone addressing the audience or someone they are thinking of is performing something called this. 

What is a monologue?


True or False?

If a start to write a story and don't know where it is going, I should keep going, maybe work on something else, and come back to it with fresh yes. 



Finish this famous poem's lines: 

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I 

took the one less __________ by, 

and that has made all the difference."

What is traveled? 


Why does Lyddie start to feel like she should sign the petition? 

She realizes the working conditions are so bad they caused Betsy to become terminally ill, and she gets injured on the job as well. 


The person responsible for dressing the stage to create the sets for the play is called this. 

Who is the stage designer? 


The stage manager will read this while the actors read their lines. It suggests what the actors should do on stage. 

What are stage directions? 


Paterson included Luke in the story to add what? 

What is a romantic interest? 

Mr. William Shakespeare, the bard, the king of poetics, the arch de triumph of the written word, *ahem* Sir Billy Shakes wrote how many sonnets?

What is 154. 


Mr. Marsden and indeed the factory itself can be considered a kind of what? 

What is a villain? What is the antagonist? 


The person responsible for calling the show and making sure all of the cast and crew are where they need to be, doing what they need to do is called this. 

Who is the stage director? 


When someone says, "A storm is coming," this is often used as this figurative technique, suggesting danger. 

What is foreshadowing? 


Why is it important for a character's opinion to change over time? 

A character needs to learn and grow in a story, and discover new things about themselves and the world. 


This type of poem has a rhyme scheme of 

abab cdcd efef gg 

Is often referred to as "Shakespearean". 

What is the sonnet? 

What is the Shakespearean sonnet?