What is Stippling?
Painting, drawing, etc. by means of flecks or dots.
an imaginary horizontal line at the artists eye level; in landscapes, the line where the sky seems to meet the earth the arrangement of objects on a drawing surface.
Horizon line
The lines that define the edge between two shapes.
Contour lines
What is Value scale?
A series of blocks showing the gradual increase of shading
The space that a form or shape occupies in an artwork.
Positive space
A way of showing gradual changes in lightness or darkness in a drawing or painting. Shading helps make a picture look more three dimensional
What is Light source?
demonstrates the direction that light is coming from in a drawing, using highlights and shadows to create the illusion of form.
the arrangement of objects on a drawing surface.
The relative lightness or darkness of something
The empty space that surrounds and defines a form.
Negative space
A drawing technique which creates the illusion of 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional surface (height, width, depth).
some light can pass through object, such as stained (colored) glass.
Quick, rough drawing without much detail that can be used as a plan for a future drawing
a gradual, subtle change in value.
The difference between to unlike things, such as a dark color and a light color.
The dramatic difference between light and dark and other elements and principles (such as rough texture next to smooth texture)
an imaginary point (or points) on the horizon line where lines converge (come together)
Vanishing point
A three-dimensional object or, in an artwork, the representation of a three-dimensional object.
a book or collection of drawings, a place an artist works out ideas for later work.
What is Craftmanship?
the quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry.
What is Chiaroscuro?
What is an Italian word designating the relative contrast of dark and light in a drawing, painting or print. Artists use chiaroscuro to create spatial depth and volumetric forms through slight gradations in the intensity of light and shadow.
The size of something in a drawing in relation to the other objects in the drawing, using visual measurement techniques for realism.
The use of the human figure in an artwork
a sharp, concave tool used in relief printmaking to carve away non-image areas from a block of wood or linoleum
Who was the first president of the United States of America?
George Washington