
Issac needs to practice before his band's performance on Saturday. The problem is that his strings are all broken and the store is closed.

Issac plays (guitar, violin etc. )


Despite her science teacher constantly reminding her that to be a good scientist you don't need to use touch or taste, Shelly has decided to use that sense anyway. She has a baggie with blue crystals in them. She tastes them and they are sweet.

The substance is sugar (sugar with food colouring, she is in the science lab, scientists in the school experiments)


There is a guy telling crew mates to do different tasks. The crewmates do their task and try to find the imposter.

You are watching Among Us


A'vah and Barinique are surrounded by thousands of people. All of a sudden the lights turn off and the crowd starts to cheer.

They are at a concert (which is about to start)

You find 3 bottles all containing liquid. The first is a water bottle the second is vegetable oil and the third is some green liquid without a label. You mix them together and when you look at the mixture you see the water at the bottom, then the oil and the green liquid floating at the top
That the green liquid is less dense (lighter) than the oil and the water

The screen is dark. All of a sudden you hear planes screeching over head. Shadows appear to be running everywhere. An explosion lights up the theatre and you hear voices shouting.

You are watching a war movie


Brenden is a very small boy who is in the school band. He loves being in the band but he has a problem. Everytime he wants to bring his instrument home to practice he needs help to carry it.

Brenden plays a heavy instrument (Tuba,)


You come into class and Mrs. Roxbury has spread out books on the table about ecosystems. There are also pictures of sea animals and different types of roots, including thin breathing roots and prop roots

You are about to learn about mangroves


The guy who was sitting next to you bumps into you as he is stretching. He apologizes and you accept. He puts his jacket on starts to walk down the stairs. You look at the line by the door and decide to wait for a while.

You are at the theatre and the movie just ended


Ravin loves Hannah Montana. She is walking past a music store at the mall when she see's someone is signing autographs. She is about to walk past the store, does a double take and runs inside the store.

Miley Cirus is signing autographs


You walk into the lab and there are worksheets on each desk. The teacher gives you a set of instructions and tells you to make a hypothesis before you start.

You are conducting an experiment


Brenden and Jameron are watching a movie with robots in it when Brenden's phone rings Peter starts to get mad and tells him to turn his stupid phone off. When they return their attention to the screen there are no more robots, just what appear to be cars and trucks.

Watching transformers.


Jameron likes Junkanoo. His mother keeps telling him that he should learn to play an instrument, so today she has given him her credit card. Jameron is now at the cashier who is wrapping up his purchase in a new box.

Jameron just bought a drum


Jehovia and Audley returned from lunch break and notice that there are a bunch of spheres hanging from the ceiling in the classroom. Some of them are really big others very small. There is an orange one hanging in the center of the room right above Jameron's desk.

The class is doing a lesson on the planets (the spheres are the planets, orange one is the sun.)


Amaria is trying to watch a movie on her tablet but it is too noisy. Other kids are talking and laughing around her. the engine is loud and the breaks squeak every time they stop, which is often.

Amaria is watching a movie on the school bus