Doing What?
You are at a sporting event and during half time there was a contest to see if someone could make a shot from half-court. You get back to your seat after a trip to the bathroom and there is a guy running around all over the court and the crowd is screaming.
The guy made the shot OR The guy won the contest OR The guy won a million dollars OR

A person takes your temperature. Another person listens to your heart and asks how you are feeling. Where are you?

The doctor's office

Jon is a very small boy who is in the highschool band. He loves being in the band but he has a problem. Everytime he wants to bring his instrument home to practice he needs help to carry it.

Jon plays a heavy instrument (Tuba, Baritone etc.)


Dad put the tent and sleeping bags in the back of the car. Mom put the food in a cooler. The family got in the car and headed for the mountains. What is the family doing?

They are going camping.
Natalie stood on stage nervously. The curtains were about to open. She peeked through the curtains and saw a big crowd in the audience. Then she saw her parents. When the curtains opened she proudly stepped forward. What is Natalie doing?
She is starring in a class play and was more relaxed when she saw her parents in the crowd.
You have been kicking a white and black ball around. One time you kicked it into a big net and all of your teammates started cheering. 
You are playing soccer and just scored a goal

It was very quiet when we entered. There were people at tables. Others stood at shelves. We saw many books. What building were you in?


Ashlee's friend gets a new bike for her birthday. She rides it to school every day. One day, she comes to school with a scratched and dented bike. Ashlee's friend has scrapes on her knees and face. After thinking about the clues she has seen, Ashlee knows that her friend

Fell off of her bicycle

He put meat, broccoli, and french fries on his plate. He picked up his knife and fork, cut the meat, put it in his mouth and began to chew. What is he doing?

He's eating dinner. 
David is sitting on the couch watching a movie. His sister comes into the house with the dog. Sparky comes over to the couch and David notices that his fur is all wet. He looks at his sister and just sees her hang up a wet yellow jacket and take off her boots.
It is raining outside.
Bob and Steve are very competitive. Steve knocked down more pins than Bob and Bob is not happy. The next time its Bob's turn, he rolls the ball down the lane and gets a strike. Bob brags to Steve that he is a better player than him. 
Bob & Steve are bowling and Bob is a sore loser 

The family saw many animals. First, they saw the giraffes. Then they went to the bear den. They thought the monkeys were very fun to watch. Where is this family?

The zoo

Julio walked up the sidewalk of his house. He noticed that the front window was broken. When he got inside, he saw a baseball sitting in a pile of glass. 'Where's Marcus?' Julio asked his mother. His mother looked very angry. 'He's in his room! He's in big trouble!' From the things he has seen, Julio can tell that 

Marcus broke the window with a baseball.


The girl changed her clothes. She grabbed a towel and sunscreen. When she got there she walked to the edge, took a deep breath, and jumped in. What is the girl doing? 

Going swimming
Daniel got in the car and put his seatbelt on. After a half an hour, he looked out the window and saw many tall buildings. Finally, his dad parked the car and he noticed a large stadium. Where did Daniel go?
Daniel went to work with his dad. 
Your Dad gets back to the seats with some hotdogs and cold drinks. The pitcher just pitched the ball. You suddenly hear the the crowd cheering and the player running all over the bases. 
You are at a baseball game and the player scored a home run 

The family took a cart and pushed it to the first row. They chose vegetables and fruit. Next they picked out meat and tomato sauce. Then they paid for it all and a lady put it in bags. Where did the family go?

The supermarket 

On a Saturday afternoon, Henrietta and her mother went to see a movie at the local theater. They had gotten to the movie early, so they had to wait outside of the theater before they could take their seats. They waited on a bench outside of the theater. Soon, the theater began to clear out, and Henrietta noticed that the people leaving the movie were crying. What does Henrietta learn from the things she sees?

The people have just seen a sad movie. 

The boy looked at the cover and read the title. He looked at the pictures and some of the words. He went back to the beginning and began. What is the boy doing?

He's reading a book.
Steven is eating his favorite dinner. He pours some soy sauce into a dish and breaks apart chopsticks. He begins eating. What is for dinner?
You can feel how cold it is with your toes. You decide to hold your nose and jump in anyway. You yell "cannonball" as you make a big splash around you.
You are swimming
David put his suitcase on the conveyer belt. He made sure to pack his sunglasses, sandals and bathing suits. He went through security and showed the attendant his passport. He took out a magazine and waited until his row was called. Where is David and where is he going? 
David is in the airport going somewhere hot (Florida).

On a Sunday afternoon, Steven notices several cars parked outside of his neighbor's house. People are coming into the house carrying brightly colored boxes. Balloons are hanging from the mailbox. After thinking about the clues he has seen, Phil knows that the neighbors

Are having a party 

The man made rows and put one type in each. He covered them and watered the rows every day. Soon he saw sprouts and he was able to pick them. What is the man doing?

He is gardening/planting. 
Danielle takes a big, deep breath in. There is a lavender scent in the air. Then she practices a few poses and ends in a resting pose with her eyes closed. What is Danielle doing?
Practicing yoga.