Mrs. Koestner has a big smile on her face.

Mrs. Koestner is feeling happy.


Mrs. Kosko's face turned very red when the students didn't turn in their homework.

Mrs. Kosko is angry.


Kevin cried and stomped his feet when he had to take the test.

Kevin does not like to take tests.


The dog came in the house dripping wet.

It is raining outside.


All the children got sick after lunch.

The lunch was bad and they threw up.


Matthew won the backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle races.

Matthew is a good swimmer.


Mary Alice runs and hides every time she sees a dog.

Mary Alice is afraid of dogs.


Adrian is looking around and not doing his school work.

Adrian will have to sit out at recess, or have a consequence.


The weather was very icy and it was snowing before school one morning.

The children had to stay home from school.


The buzzer sounded and the crowed cheered loudly. All the basketball players smiled.

The basketball players won the game.


My dad has to work very late and he doesn't get home until after I go to bed.

I don't see my dad very much.


The boy hit the baseball out of the park.

The boy is going to make a home-run.


All the children in my family got wonderful grades on their report card.

My parents were very happy/excited.


The man ran a red light and there is another car coming through the intersection.

The cars will get into an accident.


Joe, Zack, and Matthew had to complete a project for school together. Joe and Zack are absent on the day of their presentation with Matthew.

Matthew had to do their work by himself.


Mike's family drove to Canada for a hockey tournament. Mike met Danny at a hockey tournament in Canada. Mike hoped to get another letter from his friend Danny. Danny promised to send Mike pictures of his friends. It is fun to have a friend from another country. Mike wondered what Danny did in the summer. Did he play street hockey too? Mike hoped to see his friend again next season. 

You know the boys are about the same age because: 

A. they met at a hockey tournament 

B. went to the same school 

C. are on the same team 

D. like to play hockey

A. they met at a hockey tournament


Mike hoped to get another letter from his friend Danny. Mike met Danny at a hockey tournament in Canada. Danny promised to send Mike pictures of his friends. It is fun to have a friend from another country.  Mike hoped to see his friend again next season. 

If Mike doesn’t get a letter from Danny, he will probably feel: 


B. scared 

C. excited 

D. disappointed

D. disappointed


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. 

What do you know about Lisa? 

A. She is helpful. 

B. She is scared of bugs. 

C. She is very curious. 

D. She likes to play soccer.

C. She is very curious.


Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. 

What do you think she will do next? 

A. go to the park 

B. read a book 

C. go home and tell her mom 

D. watch tv

C. go home and tell her mom


Michael took his brother Tim on his first camping trip. Michael taught Tim how to put up a tent and showed him how to fish. When Tim didn't want to touch the worms, Michael put the worms on his hook. Michael helped take the fish off the line. Michael and Tim had a great time camping. 

What might Michael say when Tim asks for help?

A. "Sorry, I'm busy." 

B. "Sure, I'll help you!" 

C. "Not now!" 

D. "Maybe later."

B. "Sure, I'll help you!"


Mike's family drove to Canada for a hockey tournament. Mike met Danny at a hockey tournament in Canada. Mike hoped to get letters from his new friend Danny. Danny promised to send Mike pictures of his friends. It is fun to have a friend from another country. Mike wondered what Danny did in the summer. Did he play street hockey too? Mike hoped to see his friend again next season. 

Mike probably lives in:

A. Spain 

B. United States 

C. Africa 

D. Australia

B. United States


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. 

What do you think Lisa will do next? 

A. scream 

B. take a picture of the bug 

C. run away 

D. scare the bug away

B. take a picture of the bug


Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. 

What word would best describe Lauren? 

A. playful 

B. unorganized 

C. humorous 

D. athletic

B. unorganized


Michael took his brother Tim on his first camping trip. Michael taught Tim how to put up a tent and showed him how to fish. When Tim didn't want to touch the worms, Michael put the worms on his hook. Michael helped take the fish off the line. Michael and Tim had a great time camping. 

Which word does NOT describe Michael? 

A. patient 

B. kind 

C. helpful 

D. mean

D. mean


A new girl named Taylor started school. The other children weren't sure they liked her. "She doesn't like to play soccer," said Susan. "She's always drawing in her sketch pad," said Katie. No one really talked to her. They thought she was strange. Taylor was very sad. She really wanted to make new friends but didn't know how. Taylor asked her mom for advice. "How should I get the others to like me?" asked Taylor. "Just be yourself," said mother. "You'll make friends soon enough. 

How does Taylor feel about her new school? 

A. She loves her new teachers. 

B. She has a lot of new friends. 

C. She wishes she had friends. 

D. She loves her new school.

C. She wishes she had friends.