Drawing Inferences RL1
Summary/Theme RL.2
Character Analysis RL.3
Vocabulary RL.5
Point of View RL.6
Which paragraph gives the reader clues about the area in which Marisa lives? A) 7 B) 10 C) 11 D) 17
What is B) 10
What is the BEST summary for the passage? A) Marisa tries to be as good an artist as Euphemia. B) Marisa is good at pestering Luke. C) Marisa draws better while looking at horses. D) Marisa finds that drawing with pastels is easier.
What is C) Marisa draws better while looking at horses.
Which word BEST describes how Marisa feels about her drawings at the beginning of the story? A) satisfied B) disappointed C) proud D) humiliated
What is B) disappointed
Marisa’s drawings of horses are compared to all of the following EXCEPT A) couches. B) dogs. C) tables. D) dinosaurs.
What is A) couches.
What is the effect of the first-person point of view on the reader? A) The reader learns about Euphemia Tucker’s drawings. B) The reader knows the reason for Luke’s comments. C) The reader shares Marisa’s thoughts and feelings. D) The reader gets a clear picture of what Marisa looks like.
What is C) The reader shares Marisa’s thoughts and feelings.
Why does the narrator sign her name “Marisa” instead of “Missy” on her drawing? A) She wants her teacher to know who made the picture. B) She plans to enter her drawing in a contest. C) She likes her real name better than her nickname. D) She is sending her drawing to her grandmother.
What is C) She likes her real name better than her nickname.
What lesson can be learned from this story? A) If you are not successful at something, try something new. B) Making friends can be difficult. C) Spending time outdoors is healthy. D) It is important to share talents with others.
What is A) If you are not successful at something, try something new.
When Marisa works on a horse drawing at school, what is the first thing she draws? A) ears B) mane C) hooves D) tail
What is B) mane
Which word BEST describes Marisa’s attitude toward Euphemia and her drawings? A) dismissive B) affectionate C) annoyed D) envious
What is D) envious
If Luke had written the story, how would the point of view MOST LIKELY be different? A) The reader would understand why Luke teases Marisa. B) The reader could see how his comments affect Missy. C) The reader could better visualize Missy’s drawings. D) The reader would feel sorry for Luke.
What is A) The reader would understand why Luke teases Marisa.
Based on information in the passage, drawing horses is A) something many people are interested in doing. B) easy if the artist uses pastel colors. C) necessary for anyone to learn who wants to be an artist. D) a rewarding process for all of the effort.
What is D) a rewarding process for all of the effort.
Which statement describes a lesson that Marisa learns in the story? A) To acquire skills, we should reject other people’s examples. B) To communicate through art, we need not know our subject. C) We are unique and must find our own way of doing things. D) The answer to our problems lies in asking questions of others.
What is C) We are unique and must find our own way of doing things.
At the end of “Drawing Horses,” Marisa changes her approach to drawing horses by A) using different paper. B) using different shapes. C) drawing what she sees and feels. D) drawing what she wants to see.
What is C) drawing what she sees and feels.
I brooded about it all through dinner. What does brooded mean as used in this sentence? A) thought B) felt excited C) forgot D) acted confused
What is A) thought
Why would someone MOST LIKELY read this passage? A) to learn how to draw horses B) to find out about different types of horses C) to get information about pastel colors D) to be entertained by the experience of a young artist
What is D) to be entertained by the experience of a young artist
Based on her experiences at the end of the story, Marisa will MOST LIKELY A) stop drawing entirely. B) become friends with Luke. C) start taking horse riding lessons. D) become even better at drawing.
What is D) become even better at drawing.
Which statement BEST expresses the theme of the story? A) Be proud of your nickname. B) It is important to have a hero. C) Drawing horses is difficult. D) Keep trying to reach your goal.
What is D) Keep trying to reach your goal.
At the beginning of the story, what conflict does Marisa have when she draws horses? A) The teacher thinks Marisa is not doing her work. B) She compares her pictures to Luke’s. C) Another student makes a comment about her art. D) She does not have the art supplies that she needs.
What is C) Another student makes a comment about her art.
Which word BEST describes the tone of the passage? A) comical B) mysterious C) hopeful D) soothing
What is C) hopeful
The reader learns about Marisa through her A) feelings about the watercolors from her grandmother. B) conversations with Luke Anderson. C) thoughts about her attempts at drawing horses. D) descriptions of Euphemia’s horses.
What is C) thoughts about her attempts at drawing horses.
Which question should be answered in the passage to help the reader better understand the process of drawing? A) Which art supplies are best for drawing pictures? B) What are the basic steps for drawing pictures? C) Where did Marisa learn to draw pictures? D) When did Marisa start to draw pictures?
What is B) What are the basic steps for drawing pictures?
What does Marisa learn in the story? Use details and information from the story to support your answer. You must have one detail from the text to support your answer.
What is.......
At the end of the story, Marisa makes a drawing that comes out right, but when the story begins she is unhappy with her drawings. Identify four events from the plot that help lead to Marisa’s success.
What is 1) Her peers made fun of her drawings in class. 2)Her mother said her drawing looked like a dog. 3)Used a different writing material: pastel 4) Drew the horse when it was right in front of her.
I closed my eyes and pictured one of Euphemia’s perfect horses rearing up and pawing the air with its sharp hooves. Which sentence uses the word sharp as it is used here? A) We plan to meet on the playground at ten o’ clock sharp. B) I used the sharp scissors very carefully. C) The sharp student pleased the teacher with her clever comment. D) She listened to the band and noticed that the trumpet sounded sharp.
What is B) I used the sharp scissors very carefully.
Which addition to the passage “Drawing Horses” would be MOST appropriate? A) directions explaining how to blend pastels on paper B) an illustration showing Marisa on the school bus C) a paragraph providing a description about the ecology of the desert D) a paragraph detailing other pictures that Marisa eventually draws
What is D) a paragraph detailing other pictures that Marisa eventually draws