How many trans teens report being bullied in school?
23% report being bullied on school campuses, 27% cyber bullied, and 14% of trans teens reported not going to school because of their safety concerns.
Why do trans teens wait so long sometimes to stand up to their parents?
Because they are scared they are going to upset their parents and sometimes don't know how to.
What law allows students to wear the clothes they want in school? Why is this important?
Title IX. When teens get to wear what they want and not what society expects of them it makes them feel like they belong and find people they fit in with.
What does it mean to be transgender?
The experience of being transgender means that a person’s gender at birth (assigned gender) does not match the way they feel about themselves (their affirmed gender).
What is one thing a trans teen can do to express themselves in school settings?
Show up with clothing that is for the other gender not their birth gender, come with a manacure, try to join football or baseball, go by a diffrent name/pronouns and tell people them.
What are some things that teens can have their parents do to try to support them without giving up their identity?
Go to a parent support group and talk about it with parents with similar experiences, counseling, remind them their still your child and it is not their fault but they are just happier that way.
Do you think schools can make a uniform dress code based on the stereotypes of what society thinks people should wear?
No, they cannot, they can tell the females the length of the skirt they have to wear but they cannot force them to wear the skirt they can wear pants if they want to, and vise vera.
What percentage of trans teens tried to commit suicide because of bullying?
29% of kids who were bullied attempted suicide.
Should students have the right to express their gender in school?
Yes! They still have their constitutional rights and they are still people and not bound to society's standards of them.
What are two ways kids can come out to their parents about being trans?
Passing (letting people belive you were the gender you are now and saying stuff like people said you looked like a boy when you were younger but you were a girl), or just sit down and having a convo with them about it and being straight up.
When a school restricts clothing and tells students they cannot wear something how can that hurt a trans person?
Makes them feel like they are less able to express themselves, feel more like an outcast, and sad because they cannot show who they are.
Why do people decide to become trans?
Should transitioned teens be able to use the locker room that matches their gender and identity?
Yes, trans students should feel accepted by peers and faculty members for their gender identity. Meaning they should have the right to choose which locker room best aligns with their gender identity.
What can a transgender teen do when they have non-supporting parent(s) or family member(s)?
Transgender teens can try to explain what being trans is and help them understand that it isn't bad. They can also try to engage them with support groups if that doesn't work. Though, if they just won't accept them, trans teens can always step away from their non-supporting family members by setting boundaries.
Should transgender teens be able to wear what they want in a public setting?
Yes, trans teens are allowed to wear what best suits their gender orientation, as long as it's appropriate. There are even laws protecting them.
What percentage of trans teens become trans as a teen?
30,000. Approximately 1.6 million people ages 13 and older—0.6% of the population—identify as transgender in the United States, according to new ...
How can schools be more accepting of transgender teens?
There are many different ways a school can be more accepting. Schools can adopt policies to require people to use the correct name or pronouns that align with a trans teen's gender orientation. They can also try to cut down on others discriminating against trans students. Schools can even create support groups for trans teens to make them feel more welcome.
How can a younger sibling understand that their older sibling is transgender?
For younger kids, it's hard for them to understand the concept and change. If they don't understand the concept, parents can try explaining it, or they can read books or show movies to them. For change, it's good to ask them questions like "How do you feel about your older wanting use to use a new name," and see how they respond. The parents can then go from there.
Is discriminating against a trans person's clothing options illegal?
Yes, it is a form of harassment and is sometimes known as a hate crime.
What percnatge of highschoolers get bullied for being trans?
61% get bullied because of being trans.