What is Toledo Ohio's nickname?
Glass City/Frog City/Frog Town/Glass Capital
According to Jesus who will inherit the earth?
The meek
What three books of the Bible did King Solomon write?
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Solomon)
What does the testing of our faith produce?
Believers were first called Christians at the church in what city?
What European country also has a city named Toledo?
Where in the Gospel of Matthew can the Sermon on the Mount be found?
Chapters 5-7
What set of scrolls found in 1947 confirmed the accuracy with which the scriptures were reproduced?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
What book of the Bible contains what is commonly known as the "Hall of Faith"?
Who was the first person to mention the church in the Bible?
What two towns were combined to form the city of Toledo?
Port Lawrence and Vistula
According to Jesus what is the eye is the "what" of the body?
What invention made the Bible widely accessible in the 1400s?
The Gutenberg Printing Press
How is faith increased?
By hearing the word of God.
How many churches do scholars believe the apostle Paul planted?
Where does the University of Toledo play its home basketball games?
Savage Hall
What other gospel contains a version of the sermon on the mount?
How many authors wrote the Bible?
Abraham's belief in God's promises was counted to him as what?
What Churches in the book of Revelation did not receive a rebuke?
Smyrna and Philadelphia
What actress is originally from Toledo, Ohio?
Katie Holmes
Whoever does and teaches Jesus' commandments will be called "what" in the kingdom of heaven
How many languages was the original biblical text written in?
3, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek,
In Hebrews 11, by faith the prophets endured martyrdom by what three means?
stoning, being sawn in two, and the sword
Who was the first church leader to be martyred that was recorded in the Bible